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Cited article:

A generalization of the weak convergence theorem in Sobolev spaces with application to differential inclusions in a Banach space

Toru Maruyama
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A, Mathematical Sciences 77 (1) (2001)

A weak convergence theorem in Sobolev spaces with application to Filippov's evolution equations

Toru Maruyama
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A, Mathematical Sciences 66 (7) (1990)

On a multi-valued differential equation: An existence theorem

Toru Maruyama
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A, Mathematical Sciences 60 (5) (1984)

Monotone trajectories of multivalued dynamical systems

Jean-Pierre Aubin, Arrigo Cellina and John Nohel
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 115 (1) 99 (1977)

Commandes généralisées à valeurs dans un espace compact théorèmes d'existence

Philippe Michel
Revue française d'automatique informatique recherche opérationnelle. Mathématique 6 (R1) 37 (1972)