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Inertial proximal point algorithm for the split common solution problem of monotone operator equations

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Error Bounds and Merit Functions for Exponentially General Variational Inequalities

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Relaxed viscosity-type iterative methods with application to compressed sensing

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A modified proximal point algorithm in geodesic metric space

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Proximal Point Algorithms for Quasiconvex Pseudomonotone Equilibrium Problems

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Proximal Methods Avoid Active Strict Saddles of Weakly Convex Functions

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A modified parallel monotone hybrid algorithm for a finite family of $\mathcal{G}$-nonexpansive mappings apply to a novel signal recovery

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Hybrid proximal point algorithm for solving split equilibrium problems and its applications

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Strong Convergence Theorem for Finding a Common Solution of Convex Minimization and Fixed Point Problems in CAT(0) Spaces

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Application of ADMM to robust model predictive control problems for the turbofan aero-engine with external disturbances

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Viscosity Iterative Algorithm] {Accelerated extragradient algorithm for equilibrium and fixed point problems for countable family of certain multi-valued mappings

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Modified inertial algorithm for solving mixed equilibrium problems in Hadamard spaces

Abdul Rahim Khan, Chinedu Izuchukwu, Maggie Aphane and Godwin Chidi Ugwunnadi
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An iterative algorithm for minimization and fixed point problems of two families of pseudononspreading mappings in Hadamard spaces

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Strong convergence to a solution of the inclusion problem for a finite family of monotone operators in Hadamard spaces

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An accelerated forward-backward algorithm with a new linesearch for convex minimization problems and its applications

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A New Hybrid Iterative Method for Solving Fixed Points Problems for a Finite Family of Multivalued Strictly Pseudo-Contractive Mappings and Convex Minimization Problems in Real Hilbert Spaces

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New inertial method for generalized split variational inclusion problems

Preeyanuch Chuasuk, Ferdinard Ogbuisi, Yekini Shehu and Prasit Cholamjiak
Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization 17 (6) 3357 (2021)

A modified proximal point algorithm for a nearly asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive mapping with an application

Sabiya Khatoon, Izhar Uddin and Metin Basarir
Computational and Applied Mathematics 40 (7) (2021)

Multi-step iterative algorithm for minimization and fixed point problems in p-uniformly convex metric spaces

Kazeem Olalekan Aremu, Chinedu Izuchukwu, Grace Nnenanya Ogwo and Oluwatosin Temitope Mewomo
Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization 17 (4) 2161 (2021)

Splitting type viscosity methods for inclusion and fixed point problems on Hadamard manifolds

Mohammad Dilshad, Aysha Khan and Mohammad Akram
AIMS Mathematics 6 (5) 5205 (2021)

Forward-backward approximation of nonlinear semigroups in finite and infinite horizon

Andrés Contreras and Juan Peypouquet
Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis 20 (5) 1893 (2021)

Minimum-Distortion Embedding

Stephen Boyd, Alnur Ali and Akshay Agrawal
Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning 14 (3) 211 (2021)

Generalized split null point of sum of monotone operators in Hilbert spaces

Akindele A. Mebawondu, Hammed A. Abass, Olalwale K. Oyewole, Kazeem O. Aremu and Ojen K. Narain
Demonstratio Mathematica 54 (1) 359 (2021)

Solving Separable Convex Optimization Problem Based on Generalized Proximal Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers

倩雯 殷
Pure Mathematics 11 (04) 485 (2021)

A modified self‐adaptive extragradient method for pseudomonotone equilibrium problem in a real Hilbert space with applications

Habib ur Rehman, Poom Kumam, Qiao‐Li Dong and Yeol Je Cho
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 44 (5) 3527 (2021)

Strong convergence theorems for strongly monotone mappings in Banach spaces

Mathew O. Aibinu and Oluwatosin Mewomo
Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática 39 (1) 169 (2021)

A Modified Proximal Point Algorithm and Some Convergence Results

Shengquan Weng, Dingping Wu, Zengfu Chao and Jen-Chih Yao
Journal of Mathematics 2021 1 (2021)

Handbook of Variational Methods for Nonlinear Geometric Data

Orizon P. Ferreira, Maurício S. Louzeiro and Leandro F. Prudente
Handbook of Variational Methods for Nonlinear Geometric Data 499 (2020)

On the Iterations of a Sequence of Strongly Quasi-Nonexpansive Mappings with Applications

Hadi Khatibzadeh and Vahid Mohebbi
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 41 (3) 231 (2020)

A Weak Convergence Self-Adaptive Method for Solving Pseudomonotone Equilibrium Problems in a Real Hilbert Space

Pasakorn Yordsorn, Poom Kumam, Habib ur Rehman and Abdulkarim Hassan Ibrahim
Mathematics 8 (7) 1165 (2020)

On the strong convergence of the proximal point algorithm with an application to Hammerstein euations

C. E. Chidume, A. Adamu, M. S. Minjibir and U. V. Nnyaba
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 22 (3) (2020)

Strong Convergence of an Inexact Proximal Point Algorithm in a Banach Space

Behzad Djafari Rouhani and Vahid Mohebbi
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 186 (1) 134 (2020)

Inertial Extra-Gradient Method for Solving a Family of Strongly Pseudomonotone Equilibrium Problems in Real Hilbert Spaces with Application in Variational Inequality Problem

Habib ur Rehman, Poom Kumam, Ioannis K. Argyros, Wejdan Deebani and Wiyada Kumam
Symmetry 12 (4) 503 (2020)

Iterative algorithm for computing fixed points of demicontractive and zeros points of multivalued accretive operators in certain Banach spaces with application

Thierno SOW
Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Application 4 (2) 100 (2020)

The extragradient algorithm with inertial effects extended to equilibrium problems

Habib ur Rehman, Poom Kumam, Auwal Bala Abubakar and Yeol Je Cho
Computational and Applied Mathematics 39 (2) (2020)

The Inertial Sub-Gradient Extra-Gradient Method for a Class of Pseudo-Monotone Equilibrium Problems

Habib ur Rehman, Poom Kumam, Wiyada Kumam, Meshal Shutaywi and Wachirapong Jirakitpuwapat
Symmetry 12 (3) 463 (2020)

Inertial Optimization Based Two-Step Methods for Solving Equilibrium Problems with Applications in Variational Inequality Problems and Growth Control Equilibrium Models

Habib ur Rehman, Poom Kumam, Meshal Shutaywi, Nasser Aedh Alreshidi and Wiyada Kumam
Energies 13 (12) 3292 (2020)

Strong convergence of an inertial extrapolation method for a split system of minimization problems

Anteneh Getachew Gebrie and Rabian Wangkeeree
Demonstratio Mathematica 53 (1) 332 (2020)

A viscosity-type algorithm for an infinitely countable family of (f,g)-generalized k-strictly pseudononspreading mappings in CAT(0) spaces

Kazeem O. Aremu, Hammed Abass, Chinedu Izuchukwu and Oluwatosin T. Mewomo
Analysis 40 (1) 19 (2020)

Proximal Gradient Method for Solving Bilevel Optimization Problems

Seifu Endris Yimer, Poom Kumam and Anteneh Getachew Gebrie
Mathematical and Computational Applications 25 (4) 66 (2020)


Zheng Zhou, Bing Tan and Songxiao Li
Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation 10 (5) 2104 (2020)

The strong convergence of a proximal point algorithm in complete CAT(0) metric spaces

Mohsen TAHERNİA, Sirous MORADİ and Somayeh JAFARİ
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 49 (1) 399 (2020)

A modified proximal point algorithm for solving variational inclusion problem in real Hilbert spaces

Thierno M. M. Sow
e-Journal of Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2020 (1) 28 (2020)

Computational Mathematics and Variational Analysis

Maede Ramazannejad, Mohsen Alimohammady and Carlo Cattani
Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Computational Mathematics and Variational Analysis 159 381 (2020)


Prasit Cholamjiak, Suthep Suantai and Pongsakorn Sunthrayuth
Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation 9 (6) 2137 (2019)

A prediction–correction-based primal–dual hybrid gradient method for linearly constrained convex minimization

Feng Ma, Yiming Bi and Bin Gao
Numerical Algorithms 82 (2) 641 (2019)

A Halpern-Type Iteration Method for Bregman Nonspreading Mapping and Monotone Operators in Reflexive Banach Spaces

F. U. Ogbuisi, L. O. Jolaoso and F. O. Isiogugu
Journal of Mathematics 2019 1 (2019)

Weak convergence of explicit extragradient algorithms for solving equilibirum problems

Habib ur Rehman, Poom Kumam, Yeol Je Cho and Pasakorn Yordsorn
Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2019 (1) (2019)

Halpern- and Mann-Type Algorithms for Fixed Points and Inclusion Problems on Hadamard Manifolds

Suliman Al-Homidan, Qamrul Hasan Ansari and Feeroz Babu
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 40 (6) 621 (2019)

Asymptotic Equivalence of Evolution Equations Governed by Cocoercive Operators and Their Forward Discretizations

Andrés Contreras and Juan Peypouquet
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 182 (1) 30 (2019)

Mathematical Analysis and Applications

Maede Ramazannejad, Mohsen Alimohammady and Carlo Cattani
Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Mathematical Analysis and Applications 154 459 (2019)

Proximal bundle methods based on approximate subgradients for solving Lagrangian duals of minimax fractional programs

H. Boualam and A. Roubi
Journal of Global Optimization 74 (2) 255 (2019)

A viscosity iterative technique for equilibrium and fixed point problems in a Hadamard space

C. Izuchukwu, K. O. Aremu, A. A. Mebawondu and O. T. Mewomo
Applied General Topology 20 (1) 193 (2019)

On Mixed Equilibrium Problems in Hadamard Spaces

Chinedu Izuchukwu, Kazeem Olalekan Aremu, Olawale Kazeem Oyewole, Oluwatosin Temitope Mewomo and Safeer Hussain Khan
Journal of Mathematics 2019 1 (2019)

Two proximal splitting methods for multi-block separable programming with applications to stable principal component pursuit

Min Sun, Hongchun Sun and Yiju Wang
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 56 (1-2) 411 (2018)