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On exact and approximate boundary controllabilities for the heat equation: A numerical approach
C. Carthel, R. Glowinski and J. L. Lions Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 82(3) 429 (1994)
Information Systems and Data Analysis
Jan de Leeuw Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Information Systems and Data Analysis 308 (1994)
New algorithms for maximization of concave functions with box constraints
Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 1977, I
Richard W. Cottle Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 1977, I 704 37 (1979)
On a class of least-element complementarity problems
J. Ch. Fiorot and P. Huard Mathematical Programming Studies, Point-to-Set Maps and Mathematical Programming 10 69 (1979)
Optimization Techniques IFIP Technical Conference Novosibirsk, July 1–7, 1974
R. Glowinski and A. Marrocco Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Optimization Techniques IFIP Technical Conference Novosibirsk, July 1–7, 1974 27 327 (1975)
Sur l'approximation, par éléments finis d'ordre un, et la résolution, par pénalisation-dualité d'une classe de problèmes de Dirichlet non linéaires
R. Glowinski and A. Marroco Revue française d'automatique, informatique, recherche opérationnelle. Analyse numérique 9(R2) 41 (1975)
Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering Part 2
A. Bensoussan and J. L. Lions Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering Part 2 11 325 (1974)