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Analytical and numerical analyses of a viscous strain gradient problem involving type Ⅱ thermoelasticity
Noelia Bazarra, José R. Fernández, Jaime E. Muñoz-Rivera, Elena Ochoa and Ramón Quintanilla AIMS Mathematics 9(7) 16998 (2024)
A Posteriori Error Estimation for Parabolic Problems with Dynamic Boundary Conditions
The a posteriori error estimates and an adaptive algorithm of the discontinuous Galerkin method for the modified transmission eigenvalue problem with absorbing media
Stability and Conditioning of Immersed Finite Element Methods: Analysis and Remedies
Frits de Prenter, Clemens V. Verhoosel, E. Harald van Brummelen, Mats G. Larson and Santiago Badia Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 30(6) 3617 (2023)
A note on a posteriori error analysis for dual mixed methods with mixed boundary conditions
A posteriori error analysis of Banach spaces-based fully-mixed finite element methods for Boussinesq-type models
Gabriel N. Gatica, Cristian Inzunza, Ricardo Ruiz-Baier and Felipe Sandoval Journal of Numerical Mathematics 30(4) 325 (2022)
The a Priori and a Posteriori Error Estimates of DG Method for the Steklov Eigenvalue Problem in Inverse Scattering
A posteriori error estimates for the large eddy simulation applied to stationary Navier–Stokes equations
Ghina Nassreddine, Pascal Omnes and Toni Sayah Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 38(5) 1468 (2022)
Local finite element approximation of Sobolev differential forms
Evan Gawlik, Michael J. Holst and Martin W. Licht ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 55(5) 2075 (2021)
Error Estimation of Euler Method for the Instationary Stokes–Biot Coupled Problem
An ADMM-Newton-CNN numerical approach to a TV model for identifying discontinuous diffusion coefficients in elliptic equations: convex case with gradient observations
A Novel Method for Circuits of Perfect Electric Conductors in Unstructured Particle-in-Cell Plasma–Object Interaction Simulations
Sigvald Marholm, Diako Darian, Mikael Mortensen, Richard Marchand and Wojciech J. Miloch IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 48(8) 2856 (2020)
A Posteriori Error Estimates for Hughes Stabilized SUPG Technique and Adaptive Refinement for a Convection-Diffusion Problem
Harald Garcke, Michael Hinze and Christian Kahle Mathematics of Planet Earth, Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean 1 287 (2019)
Error Estimates for Advanced Galerkin Methods
Marcus Olavi Rüter Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Error Estimates for Advanced Galerkin Methods 88 171 (2019)
Analysis of a Poro-Thermo-Viscoelastic Model of Type III
Noelia Bazarra, José A. López-Campos, Marcos López, Abraham Segade and José R. Fernández Symmetry 11(10) 1214 (2019)
A Regularization Approach for an Inverse Source Problem in Elliptic Systems from Single Cauchy Data
A posteriori error analysis of an augmented fully mixed formulation for the nonisothermal Oldroyd–Stokes problem
Sergio Caucao, Gabriel N. Gatica and Ricardo Oyarzúa Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 35(1) 295 (2019)
A posteriori error estimates for a fully discrete approximation of Sobolev equations
BEM-based Finite Element Approaches on Polytopal Meshes
Steffen Weißer Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, BEM-based Finite Element Approaches on Polytopal Meshes 130 65 (2019)
Efficient implementation of the localized orthogonal decomposition method
Christian Engwer, Patrick Henning, Axel Målqvist and Daniel Peterseim Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 350 123 (2019)
A posteriori error estimates for the monodomain model in cardiac electrophysiology
Joachim Gwinner and Ernst Peter Stephan Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, Advanced Boundary Element Methods 52 451 (2018)
Analysis of a decoupled time‐stepping algorithm for reduced MHD system modeling magneto‐convection
Numerical analysis of a contact problem in poro‐thermoelasticity with microtemperatures
Noelia Bazarra and José R. Fernández ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 98(7) 1190 (2018)
Active Particles, Volume 1
Giacomo Albi, Martin Burger, Jan Haskovec, Peter Markowich and Matthias Schlottbom Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology, Active Particles, Volume 1 1 (2017)
An augmented stress-based mixed finite element method for the steady state Navier-Stokes equations with nonlinear viscosity
Jessika Camaño, Gabriel N. Gatica, Ricardo Oyarzúa and Ricardo Ruiz-Baier Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 33(5) 1692 (2017)
Higher-order discontinuous Galerkin time stepping and local projection stabilization techniques for the transient Stokes problem
Building Bridges: Connections and Challenges in Modern Approaches to Numerical Partial Differential Equations
Daniel Peterseim Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Building Bridges: Connections and Challenges in Modern Approaches to Numerical Partial Differential Equations 114 343 (2016)
Numerical Approximation of Partial Differential Equations
Construction of Scalar and Vector Finite Element Families on Polygonal and Polyhedral Meshes
Andrew Gillette, Alexander Rand and Chandrajit Bajaj Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 16(4) 667 (2016)
Piecewise affine approximations for functions of bounded variation
Constant-free explicit error estimator with sharp upper error bound property for adaptive FE analysis in elasticity and fracture
T. Gerasimov, E. Stein and P. Wriggers International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 101(2) 79 (2015)
Mathematical and Numerical Foundations of Turbulence Models and Applications
Tomás Chacón Rebollo and Roger Lewandowski Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology, Mathematical and Numerical Foundations of Turbulence Models and Applications 317 (2014)
A mixed formulation of a sharp interface model of stokes flow with moving contact lines
A posteriorierror estimates for elliptic problems with Dirac measure terms in weighted spaces
Juan Pablo Agnelli, Eduardo M. Garau and Pedro Morin ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 48(6) 1557 (2014)
Interface problems with quadratic X-FEM: design of a stable multiplier space and error analysis
G. Ferté, P. Massin and N. Moës International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 100(11) 834 (2014)
Finite and Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Solvers for Multiscale Problems
Clemens Pechstein Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Finite and Boundary Element Tearing and Interconnecting Solvers for Multiscale Problems 90 247 (2013)
The Finite Element Method: Theory, Implementation, and Applications
Mats G. Larson and Fredrik Bengzon Texts in Computational Science and Engineering, The Finite Element Method: Theory, Implementation, and Applications 10 177 (2013)