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Cited article:

Approximation of the Snell Envelope and American Options Prices in dimension one

Vlad Bally and Bruno Saussereau
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics 6 1 (2002)

New results on some classical parabolic free-boundary problems

A. Fasano and M. Primicerio
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 38 (4) 439 (1981)

Approximation numérique d'une inéquation quasi variationnelle liée à des problèmes de gestion de stock

Philippe Cortey-Dumont
RAIRO. Analyse numérique 14 (4) 335 (1980)

A survey of free boundary value problems in the theory of fluid flow through porous media: variational inequality approach — Part II

John C. Bruch
Advances in Water Resources 3 (3) 115 (1980)