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Cited article:

Iterative refinement for defective subspaces of differential operators

Mario Ahues, Gloria Carreno and Mauricio Telias
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 10 (3-4) 199 (1989)

Refinement Methods of Newton Type for Approximate Eigenelements of Integral Operators

Mario Ahués and Mauricio Telias
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 23 (1) 144 (1986)

On multilevel iterative methods for integral equations of the second kind and related problems

Jan Mandel
Numerische Mathematik 46 (1) 147 (1985)

Iterative refinement for approximate eigenelements of compact operators

Mario Ahuès, Filomena d'Almeida and Mauricio Telias
RAIRO. Analyse numérique 18 (2) 125 (1984)

The Use of Defect Correction to Refine the Eigenelements of Compact Integral Operators

Mario Ahués and Françoise Chatelin
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 20 (6) 1087 (1983)