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Cited article:

Spectral Refinements of Newton Type for Eigenelements of Bounded Linear Operators

Rafikul Alam
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 241 (2) 214 (2000)

A variant of the fixed tangent method for spectral computations on integral operators

Mario Ahues and Alain Largillier
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 16 (1-2) 1 (1995)

Is the iterative refinement of eigenelements an expensive technique?

Filomena Dias D'Almeida and Maria João Rodrigues
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 20 159 (1987)

Refinement Methods of Newton Type for Approximate Eigenelements of Integral Operators

Mario Ahués and Mauricio Telias
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 23 (1) 144 (1986)