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$$L^{\infty }$$ L ∞ -error estimate of a parabolic quasi-variational inequalities systems related to management of energy production problems via the subsolution concept
Salah Boulaaras, Mohamed El Amine Bencheikh Le Hocine and Mohamed Haiour Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana 24(2) 439 (2018)
Overlapping Domain Decomposition Method for a Noncoercive System of Quasi-Variational Inequalities Related to the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman Equation
Finite Element Methods (Part 2), Numerical Methods for Solids (Part 2)
J. Haslinger, I. Hlaváček and J. Nečas Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Finite Element Methods (Part 2), Numerical Methods for Solids (Part 2) 4 313 (1996)
Finite element approximation of a free boundary problem arising in the theory of liquid drops ans plasma physics