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Numerical analysis of a four-field model for the approximation of a fluid obeying the power law or Carreau’s law

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A low-order mixed finite element method for a class of quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows. Part I: a priori error analysis

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A mixed finite element method for a quasi‐Newtonian fluid flow

M. Farhloul and A. M. Zine
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Filtration Law for Polymer Flow Through Porous Media

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Numerical approximation of generalized Newtonian fluids using Powell–Sabin–Heindl elements: I. theoretical estimates

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International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 41 (10) 1085 (2003)

Dual Combined Finite Element Methods For Non-Newtonian Flow (II) Parameter-Dependent Problem

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Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 10 (09) 1425 (2000)

A posteriori estimators for mixed finite element approximations of a fluid obeying the power law

D. Sandri
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 166 (3-4) 329 (1998)

Derivation of the two-dimensional carreau law for a quasi-newtonian fluid flow through a thin slab

Fouad Boughanim and Roland Tapiéro
Applicable Analysis 57 (3-4) 243 (1995)

Mathematical derivation of the power law describing polymer flow through a thin slab

Andro Mikelić and Roland Tapiéro
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 29 (1) 3 (1995)

Finite Element Approximation of Viscoelastic Fluid Flow: Existence of Approximate Solutions and Error Bounds. Continuous Approximation of the Stress

Dominique Sandri
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 31 (2) 362 (1994)

Numerical analysis of a three-fields model for a quasi-Newtonian flow

J. Baranger, K. Najib and D. Sandri
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 109 (3-4) 281 (1993)

Finite element approximation of viscoelastic fluid flow: Existence of approximate solutions and error bounds

J. Baranger and D. Sandri
Numerische Mathematik 63 (1) 13 (1992)