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A Virtual Element method for non-Newtonian pseudoplastic Stokes flows
Paola F. Antonietti, Lourenço Beirão da Veiga, Michele Botti, Giuseppe Vacca and Marco Verani Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 428 117079 (2024)
An iterative split scheme for steady flows with heterogeneous viscosity
Full discretization of the time dependent Navier–Stokes equations with anisotropic slip boundary condition coupled with the convection–diffusion–reaction equation
Non-isothermal non-Newtonian fluids: The stationary case
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A Local Discontinuous Galerkin Approximation for the \(\boldsymbol{p}\) -Navier–Stokes System, Part III: Convergence Rates for the Pressure
A hybrid high-order method for creeping flows of non-Newtonian fluids
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Existence of a solution for generalized Forchheimer flow in porous media with minimal regularity conditions
A nonlinear Stokes–Biot model for the interaction of a non-Newtonian fluid with poroelastic media
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Power law Stokes equations with threshold slip boundary conditions: Numerical methods and implementation
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Contributions to Partial Differential Equations and Applications
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On the numerical approximation of p‐biharmonic and ∞‐biharmonic functions
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A Mixed Virtual Element Method for Quasi-Newtonian Stokes Flows
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A mixed virtual element method for a nonlinear Brinkman model of porous media flow
A primal-mixed formulation for the strong coupling of quasi-Newtonian fluids with porous media
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Convergence analysis for a finite element approximation of a steady model for electrorheological fluids
Web‐spline‐based finite element approximation of some quasi‐newtonian flows: Existence‐uniqueness and error bound
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Analysis of an augmented pseudostress-based mixed formulation for a nonlinear Brinkman model of porous media flow
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Four-Field Finite Element Solver and Sensitivities for Quasi-Newtonian Flows
Analysis of an augmented fully-mixed approach for the coupling of quasi-Newtonian fluids and porous media
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A mixed element method for Darcy–Forchheimer incompressible miscible displacement problem
On the Finite Element Approximation ofp-Stokes Systems
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A priori and a posteriori error analyses of a velocity-pseudostress formulation for a class of quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows
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Coupled Generalized Nonlinear Stokes Flow with Flow through a Porous Medium
A dual-mixed approximation method for a three-field model of a nonlinear generalized Stokes problem
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Enriched finite element subspaces for dual–dual mixed formulations in fluid mechanics and elasticity
Rommel Bustinza, Gabriel N. Gatica, María González, Salim Meddahi and Ernst P. Stephan Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 194(2-5) 427 (2005)
A low-order mixed finite element method for a class of quasi-Newtonian Stokes flows. Part I: a priori error analysis
Gabriel N. Gatica, Marı́a González and Salim Meddahi Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 193(9-11) 881 (2004)
A mixed finite element method for a quasi‐Newtonian fluid flow