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Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for Stochastic Convection–Diffusion Eigenvalue Problems
Tiangang Cui, Hans De Sterck, Alexander D. Gilbert, Stanislav Polishchuk and Robert Scheichl Journal of Scientific Computing 99(3) (2024)
Adaptive Deep Fourier Residual method via overlapping domain decomposition
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Learning quantities of interest from parametric PDEs: An efficient neural-weighted Minimal Residual approach
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A probabilistic reduced basis method for parameter-dependent problems
A Deep Double Ritz Method (D2RM) for solving Partial Differential Equations using Neural Networks
Carlos Uriarte, David Pardo, Ignacio Muga and Judit Muñoz-Matute Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 405 115892 (2023)
Isogeometric analysis and Augmented Lagrangian Galerkin Least Squares Methods for residual minimization in dual norm
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A variational multiscale method derived from an adaptive stabilized conforming finite element method via residual minimization on dual norms
Adaptive stabilized finite elements via residual minimization onto bubble enrichments
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Solver algorithm for stabilized space-time formulation of advection-dominated diffusion problem
An adaptive variational multiscale element free Galerkin method based on the residual-based a posteriori error estimators for convection–diffusion–reaction problems
Nonlinear Reduced Models for State and Parameter Estimation
Albert Cohen, Wolfgang Dahmen, Olga Mula and James Nichols SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 10(1) 227 (2022)
Goal-oriented adaptivity for a conforming residual minimization method in a dual discontinuous Galerkin norm
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Minimal residual space-time discretizations of parabolic equations: Asymmetric spatial operators
Automatically adaptive stabilized finite elements and continuation analysis for compaction banding in geomaterials
Roberto J. Cier, Thomas Poulet, Sergio Rojas, Manolis Veveakis and Victor M. Calo International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 122(21) 6234 (2021)
Automatically adaptive, stabilized finite element method via residual minimization for heterogeneous, anisotropic advection–diffusion–reaction problems
Isogeometric Residual Minimization Method (iGRM) with direction splitting preconditioner for stationary advection-dominated diffusion problems
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Accuracy controlled data assimilation for parabolic problems
The Discrete-Dual Minimal-Residual Method (DDMRes) for Weak Advection-Reaction Problems in Banach Spaces
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a posteriori
error bound for discontinuous Galerkin approximations of convection–diffusion problems
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High-order polygonal discontinuous Petrov–Galerkin (PolyDPG) methods using ultraweak formulations
Ali Vaziri Astaneh, Federico Fuentes, Jaime Mora and Leszek Demkowicz Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 332 686 (2018)
Adaptive anisotropic Petrov–Galerkin methods for first order transport equations
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Using a DPG method to validate DMA experimental calibration of viscoelastic materials
Towards adaptive discontinuous Petrov‐Galerkin methods
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Breaking spaces and forms for the DPG method and applications including Maxwell equations
Building Bridges: Connections and Challenges in Modern Approaches to Numerical Partial Differential Equations
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The DPG methodology applied to different variational formulations of linear elasticity
Double greedy algorithms: Reduced basis methods for transport dominated problems
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A robust DPG method for convection-dominated diffusion problems II: Adjoint boundary conditions and mesh-dependent test norms
Adaptive Petrov--Galerkin Methods for First Order Transport Equations
Wolfgang Dahmen, Chunyan Huang, Christoph Schwab and Gerrit Welper SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 50(5) 2420 (2012)