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Rob Claes, Elias Jarlebring, Karl Meerbergen and Parikshit Upadhyaya SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 43(2) 764 (2022)
A robust and efficient line search for self-consistent field iterations
A density matrix approach to the convergence of the self-consistent field iteration
Parikshit Upadhyaya, Elias Jarlebring and Emanuel H. Rubensson Numerical Algebra, Control & Optimization 11(1) 99 (2021)
On an Eigenvector-Dependent Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem
Yunfeng Cai, Lei-Hong Zhang, Zhaojun Bai and Ren-Cang Li SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 39(3) 1360 (2018)
Computational Mathematics, Numerical Analysis and Applications