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Langevin dynamics for a heavy particle immersed within a flow of light particles
Radek Erban and Robert A. Van Gorder Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 480(2301) (2024)
Dynamic density functional theory with inertia and background flow
R. D. Mills-Williams, B. D. Goddard and A. J. Archer The Journal of Chemical Physics 160(17) (2024)
Molecular dynamic investigation on the thermophysical properties of binary molten carbonate mixtures
The free path in a high velocity random flight process associated to a Lorentz gas in an external field
Alexandru Hening, Douglas Rizzolo and Eric Wayman Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B 3(2) 27 (2016)
Periodic boundary conditions for long-time nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of incompressible flows