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An Adaptive FEM for the Pointwise Tracking Optimal Control Problem of the Stokes Equations

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Error estimates in weighted Sobolev norms for finite element immersed interface methods

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A posteriori error estimates for the Stokes problem with singular sources

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The Poisson and Stokes problems on weighted spaces in Lipschitz domains and under singular forcing

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Local error estimates of the finite element method for an elliptic problem with a Dirac source term

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Some applications of weighted norm inequalities to the error analysis of PDE-constrained optimization problems

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Ana posteriorierror analysis for an optimal control problem with point sources

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Adaptive finite element methods for an optimal control problem involving Dirac measures

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Adaptive control of local errors for elliptic problems using weighted Sobolev norms

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A posteriori error estimates with point sources in fractional sobolev spaces

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Piecewise polynomial interpolation in Muckenhoupt weighted Sobolev spaces and applications

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