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Cited article:

A Homogenization Approach for the Roasting of an Array of Coffee Beans

Rahil Sachak-Patwa, Nabil Fadai and Robert A. Van Gorder
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 79 (4) 1550 (2019)

From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations

Valeria Ricci
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations 209 285 (2017)

The Clausius--Mossotti Formula for Dilute Random Media of Perfectly Conducting Inclusions

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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 49 (4) 2885 (2017)

From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations III

Valeria Ricci
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations III 162 285 (2016)