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Mixed Virtual Element approximation of linear acoustic wave equation
Franco Dassi, Alessio Fumagalli, Ilario Mazzieri and Giuseppe Vacca IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 44(5) 2864 (2024)
Discontinuous Galerkin Method With a Novel Physics-Informed Flux for Elastic Wave Simulations in Heterogeneous Media
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A discontinuous Galerkin time integration scheme for second order differential equations with applications to seismic wave propagation problems
Impacts of geometric model simplifications on wave propagation—application to ground motion simulation in the lower Var valley basin (France)
Pierre Anquez, Nathalie Glinsky, Paul Cupillard and Guillaume Caumon Geophysical Journal International 229(1) 110 (2021)
Staggered explicit-implicit time-discretization for elastodynamics with dissipative internal variables
A high-order discontinuous Galerkin approximation to ordinary differential equations with applications to elastodynamics
Paola F Antonietti, Ilario Mazzieri, Niccolò Dal Santo and Alfio Quarteroni IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 38(4) 1709 (2018)
Weight‐adjusted discontinuous Galerkin methods: Matrix‐valued weights and elastic wave propagation in heterogeneous media