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A pressure-robust numerical scheme for the Stokes equations based on the WOPSIP DG approach
Yuping Zeng, Liuqiang Zhong, Feng Wang, Shangyou Zhang and Mingchao Cai Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 445 115819 (2024)
Tensor-Product Space-Time Goal-Oriented Error Control and Adaptivity With Partition-of-Unity Dual-Weighted Residuals for Nonstationary Flow Problems
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Gradient-Robust Hybrid DG Discretizations for the Compressible Stokes Equations
On pressure robustness and independent determination of displacement and pressure in incompressible linear elasticity
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To ℘ or not to p – the mixed displacement–pressure p, versus the higher order ℘ displacement finite element formulation, for nearly incompressible linear elasticity
Analysis and computation of a pressure-robust method for the rotation form of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations with high-order finite elements
A nonconforming pressure-robust finite element method for the Stokes equations on anisotropic meshes
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Non-standard Discretisation Methods in Solid Mechanics
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New stabilized P1 × P0 finite element methods for nearly inviscid and incompressible flows
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications IX - Methods, Theoretical Aspects, Examples
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Divergence‐free tangential finite element methods for incompressible flows on surfaces
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A mass conserving mixed stress formulation for the Stokes equations
The analogue of grad–div stabilization in DG methods for incompressible flows: Limiting behavior and extension to tensor-product meshes
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On Really Locking-Free Mixed Finite Element Methods for the Transient Incompressible Stokes Equations
Naveed Ahmed, Alexander Linke and Christian Merdon SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 56(1) 185 (2018)
Polynomial robust stability analysis for $H$(div)-conforming finite elements for the Stokes equations
Divergence-free Reconstruction Operators for Pressure-Robust Stokes Discretizations with Continuous Pressure Finite Elements
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Stabilised dG-FEM for incompressible natural convection flows with boundary and moving interior layers on non-adapted meshes
A discontinuous skeletal method for the viscosity-dependent Stokes problem
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Finite Element Methods for Incompressible Flow Problems
Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods - BAIL 2014
Gert Lube, Daniel Arndt and Helene Dallmann Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods - BAIL 2014 108 147 (2015)