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A Bochev‐Dohrmann‐Gunzburger stabilized method for Maxwell eigenproblem
Zhijie Du, Huoyuan Duan, Can Wang and Qiuyu Zhang Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 39(5) 3811 (2023)
A stabilized finite element method on nonaffine grids for time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations
Huoyuan Duan, Zhijie Du, Wei Liu and Shangyou Zhang SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 57(1) 320 (2019)
A Mixed $H^1$-Conforming Finite Element Method for Solving Maxwell's Equations with Non-$H^1$ Solution
Huo-Yuan Duan, Roger C. E. Tan, Suh-Yuh Yang and Cheng-Shu You SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40(1) A224 (2018)