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A Two-Step Lagrange–Galerkin Scheme for the Shallow Water Equations with a Transmission Boundary Condition and Its Application to the Bay of Bengal Region—Part I: Flat Bottom Topography
Numerical analysis of the Oseen-type Peterlin viscoelastic model by the stabilized Lagrange–Galerkin method. Part II: A linear scheme
Mária Lukáčová–Medvid’ová, Hana Mizerová, Hirofumi Notsu and Masahisa Tabata ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 51(5) 1663 (2017)
Numerical analysis of the Oseen-type Peterlin viscoelastic model by the stabilized Lagrange–Galerkin method. Part I: A nonlinear scheme
Mária Lukáčová–Medvid’ová, Hana Mizerová, Hirofumi Notsu and Masahisa Tabata ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 51(5) 1637 (2017)