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Cited article:

On the singular limit problem for nonlocal conservation laws: A general approximation result for kernels with fixed support

Alexander Keimer and Lukas Pflug
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 547 (2) 129307 (2025)

A nonlocal traffic flow model with stochastic velocity

Timo Böhme, Simone Göttlich and Andreas Neuenkirch
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 59 (1) 487 (2025)

A two-lane bidirectional nonlocal traffic model

Harold Deivi Contreras, Paola Goatin and Luis-Miguel Villada
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 543 (2) 129027 (2025)

A non-local traffic flow model for 1-to-1 junctions with buffer

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Networks and Heterogeneous Media 19 (1) 405 (2024)

On the singular limit problem in nonlocal balance laws: Applications to nonlocal lane-changing traffic flow models

Felisia Angela Chiarello and Alexander Keimer
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 537 (2) 128358 (2024)

Non-local traffic flow models with time delay: Well-posedness and numerical approximation

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Incorporating Nonlocal Traffic Flow Model in Physics-Informed Neural Networks

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A class of central unstaggered schemes for nonlocal conservation laws: Applications to traffic flow models

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A nonlocal Lagrangian traffic flow model and the zero-filter limit

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Conservation Laws with Nonlocal Velocity: The Singular Limit Problem

Jan Friedrich, Simone Göttlich, Alexander Keimer and Lukas Pflug
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 84 (2) 497 (2024)

Nonlocal Traffic Models with General Kernels: Singular Limit, Entropy Admissibility, and Convergence Rate

Maria Colombo, Gianluca Crippa, Elio Marconi and Laura V. Spinolo
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 247 (2) (2023)

Numerical schemes for a class of nonlocal conservation laws: a general approach

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Networks and Heterogeneous Media 18 (3) 1335 (2023)

A Hilliges-Weidlich-type scheme for a one-dimensional scalar conservation law with nonlocal flux

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A space-time nonlocal traffic flow model: Relaxation representation and local limit

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Convergence of a second-order scheme for non-local conservation laws

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Existence of entropy weak solutions for 1D non-local traffic models with space-discontinuous flux

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Central finite volume schemes for non-local traffic flow models with Arrhenius-type look-ahead rules

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Lyapunov Stabilization for Nonlocal Traffic Flow Models

Jan Friedrich, Simone Göttlich and Michael Herty
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 61 (5) 2849 (2023)

Discontinuous nonlocal conservation laws and related discontinuous ODEs – Existence, Uniqueness, Stability and Regularity

Alexander Keimer and Lukas Pflug
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Continuum modeling of freeway traffic flows: State-of-the-art, challenges and future directions in the era of connected and automated vehicles

Saeed Mohammadian, Zuduo Zheng, Md. Mazharul Haque and Ashish Bhaskar
Communications in Transportation Research 3 100107 (2023)

Network models for nonlocal traffic flow

Jan Friedrich, Simone Göttlich and Maximilian Osztfalk
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 56 (1) 213 (2022)

Nonlocal scalar conservation laws with discontinuous flux

Felisia Angela Chiarello and Giuseppe Maria Coclite
Networks and Heterogeneous Media 18 (1) 380 (2022)

On the initial-boundary value problem for a non-local elliptic-hyperbolic system related to the short pulse equation

Giuseppe Maria Coclite and Lorenzo di Ruvo
Partial Differential Equations and Applications 3 (6) (2022)

Modeling Multilane Traffic with Moving Obstacles by Nonlocal Balance Laws

Alexandre Bayen, Jan Friedrich, Alexander Keimer, Lukas Pflug and Tanya Veeravalli
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 21 (2) 1495 (2022)

An asymptotically compatible probabilistic collocation method for randomly heterogeneous nonlocal problems

Yiming Fan, Xiaochuan Tian, Xiu Yang, et al.
Journal of Computational Physics 465 111376 (2022)

Stability of a Nonlocal Traffic Flow Model for Connected Vehicles

Kuang Huang and Qiang Du
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 82 (1) 221 (2022)

Nonlocal reaction traffic flow model with on-off ramps

Felisia Angela Chiarello, Harold Deivi Contreras and Luis Miguel Villada
Networks and Heterogeneous Media 17 (2) 203 (2022)

A non-local macroscopic model for traffic flow

Ioana Ciotir, Rim Fayad, Nicolas Forcadel and Antoine Tonnoir
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 55 (2) 689 (2021)

Boundary Controllability and Asymptotic Stabilization of a Nonlocal Traffic Flow Model

Alexandre Bayen, Jean-Michel Coron, Nicola De Nitti, Alexander Keimer and Lukas Pflug
Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 49 (3) 957 (2021)

Mathematical Descriptions of Traffic Flow: Micro, Macro and Kinetic Models

Felisia Angela Chiarello
SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, Mathematical Descriptions of Traffic Flow: Micro, Macro and Kinetic Models 12 79 (2021)

An asymptotically compatible approach for Neumann-type boundary condition on nonlocal problems

Huaiqian You, Xin Yang Lu, Nathaniel Trask and Yue Yu
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 55 S811 (2021)

Local limit of nonlocal traffic models: Convergence results and total variation blow-up

Gianluca Crippa, Elio Marconi, Laura V. Spinolo and Maria Colombo
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire 38 (5) 1653 (2021)

Crowd Dynamics, Volume 2

Rinaldo M. Colombo, Magali Lecureux-Mercier and Mauro Garavello
Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology, Crowd Dynamics, Volume 2 83 (2020)

Nonlocal Transport Equations---Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions and Relation to the Corresponding Conservation Laws

Jean-Michel Coron, Alexander Keimer and Lukas Pflug
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 52 (6) 5500 (2020)

An asymptotically compatible approach for Neumann-type boundary condition on nonlocal problems

Huaiqian You, XinYang Lu, Nathaniel Task and Yue Yu
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 54 (4) 1373 (2020)

Micro-Macro Limit of a Nonlocal Generalized Aw-Rascle Type Model

Felisia A. Chiarello, Jan Friedrich, Paola Goatin and Simone Göttlich
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 80 (4) 1841 (2020)

A non-local traffic flow model for 1-to-1 junctions

European Journal of Applied Mathematics 31 (6) 1029 (2020)

On approximation of local conservation laws by nonlocal conservation laws

Alexander Keimer and Lukas Pflug
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 475 (2) 1927 (2019)

Maximum Principle Satisfying CWENO Schemes for Nonlocal Conservation Laws

Jan Friedrich and Oliver Kolb
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (2) A973 (2019)