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Limits and consistency of nonlocal and graph approximations to the Eikonal equation
Jalal Fadili, Nicolas Forcadel, Thi Tuyen Nguyen and Rita Zantout IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 43(6) 3685 (2023)
Continuum limit of p-Laplacian evolution problems on graphs: Lq graphons and sparse graphs
Imad El Bouchairi, Jalal M. Fadili and Abderrahim Elmoataz ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 57(3) 1795 (2023)
Spectral analysis of weighted Laplacians arising in data clustering
Franca Hoffmann, Bamdad Hosseini, Assad A. Oberai and Andrew M. Stuart Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 56 189 (2022)