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Well-balanced positivity preserving central-upwind scheme with a novel wet/dry reconstruction on triangular grids for the Saint-Venant system

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Well-balanced schemes for the Euler equations with gravitation: Conservative formulation using global fluxes

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Well-balanced schemes for the shallow water equations with Coriolis forces

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High order well-balanced discontinuous Galerkin methods based on hydrostatic reconstruction for shallow water equations

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A well-balanced scheme for the shallow-water equations with topography or Manning friction

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Journal of Computational Physics 335 115 (2017)

Handbook of Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Problems - Applied and Modern Issues

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A new finite volume approach for transport models and related applications with balancing source terms

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A Well-Balanced Stochastic Galerkin Method for Scalar Hyperbolic Balance Laws with Random Inputs

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A Well-Balanced Finite Volume Scheme for a Mixed Hyperbolic/Parabolic System to Model Chemotaxis

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Journal of Scientific Computing 67 (2) 618 (2016)

Finite Volume Scheme with Local High Order Discretization of the Hydrostatic Equilibrium for the Euler Equations with External Forces

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A numerical study of the impact of hurricane-induced storm surge on the Herbert Hoover Dike at Lake Okeechobee, Florida

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A well-balanced scheme for the shallow-water equations with topography

Victor Michel-Dansac, Christophe Berthon, Stéphane Clain and Françoise Foucher
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 72 (3) 568 (2016)

Godunov-Type Numerical Methods for a Model of Granular Flow on Open Tables with Walls

Adimurthi, Aekta Aggarwal and G. D. Veerappa Gowda
Communications in Computational Physics 20 (4) 1071 (2016)

A shallow water with variable pressure model for blood flow simulation

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Networks and Heterogeneous Media 11 (1) 69 (2016)

Time asymptotic high order schemes for dissipative BGK hyperbolic systems

Denise Aregba-Driollet, Maya Briani and Roberto Natalini
Numerische Mathematik 132 (2) 399 (2016)

Fully well-balanced, positive and simple approximate Riemann solver for shallow water equations

C. Berthon, C. Chalons, S. Cornet and G. Sperone
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, New Series 47 (1) 117 (2016)

Entropy stability and well-balancedness of space-time DG for the shallow water equations with bottom topography

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Networks and Heterogeneous Media 11 (1) 145 (2016)

Validation of the FAST forecast model for the storm surges due to hurricanes Wilma and Ike

David M. Kelly, Yi-Cheng Teng, Yuepeng Li and Keqi Zhang
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Well-Balanced Central Schemes on Overlapping Cells with Constant Subtraction Techniques for the Saint-Venant Shallow Water System

Suo Yang, Alexander Kurganov and Yingjie Liu
Journal of Scientific Computing 63 (3) 678 (2015)

Asymptotic preserving scheme for the shallow water equations with source terms on unstructured meshes

A. Duran, F. Marche, R. Turpault and C. Berthon
Journal of Computational Physics 287 184 (2015)

Overland Flow Modeling with the Shallow Water Equations Using a Well-Balanced Numerical Scheme: Better Predictions or Just More Complexity

M. Rousseau, O. Cerdan, O. Delestre, et al.
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 20 (10) (2015)

A well-balanced finite difference WENO scheme for shallow water flow model

Gang Li, Valerio Caleffi and Zhengkun Qi
Applied Mathematics and Computation 265 1 (2015)

A Numerical Model for Storm Surges that Involve the Inundation of Complex Landscapes

David M. Kelly, Yi-Cheng Teng, Yuepeng Li and Keqi Zhang
Coastal Engineering Journal 57 (4) 1550017-1 (2015)

A Godunov-Type Solver for the Numerical Approximation of Gravitational Flows

J. Vides, B. Braconnier, E. Audit, C. Berthon and B. Nkonga
Communications in Computational Physics 15 (1) 46 (2014)

Numerical solution of shallow water magnetohydrodynamic equations with non-flat bottom topography

Saqib Zia, Munshoor Ahmed and Shamsul Qamar
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 28 (1-2) 56 (2014)

Exactly well-balanced discontinuous Galerkin methods for the shallow water equations with moving water equilibrium

Yulong Xing
Journal of Computational Physics 257 536 (2014)

Central-upwind schemes for the system of shallow water equations with horizontal temperature gradients

Alina Chertock, Alexander Kurganov and Yu Liu
Numerische Mathematik 127 (4) 595 (2014)

Computing Qualitatively Correct Approximations of Balance Laws

Laurent Gosse
SIMAI Springer Series, Computing Qualitatively Correct Approximations of Balance Laws 2 137 (2013)

The generalized Riemann problems for compressible fluid flows: Towards high order

Jianzhen Qian, Jiequan Li and Shuanghu Wang
Journal of Computational Physics (2013)

Recent Developments in the Numerics of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

Yunlong Chen, Alexander Kurganov, Minlan Lei and Yu Liu
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Recent Developments in the Numerics of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws 120 125 (2013)

A Well-Balanced Reconstruction of Wet/Dry Fronts for the Shallow Water Equations

Andreas Bollermann, Guoxian Chen, Alexander Kurganov and Sebastian Noelle
Journal of Scientific Computing 56 (2) 267 (2013)

A well‐balanced stable generalized Riemann problem scheme for shallow water equations using adaptive moving unstructured triangular meshes

Feng Zhou, Guoxian Chen, Sebastian Noelle and Huaicheng Guo
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 73 (3) 266 (2013)

A ‘well‐balanced’ finite volume scheme for blood flow simulation

O. Delestre and P.‐Y. Lagrée
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 72 (2) 177 (2013)

Large Time Step and Asymptotic Preserving Numerical Schemes for the Gas Dynamics Equations with Source Terms

Christophe Chalons, Mathieu Girardin and Samuel Kokh
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (6) A2874 (2013)

On the well-balanced numerical discretization of shallow water equations on unstructured meshes

A. Duran, Q. Liang and F. Marche
Journal of Computational Physics 235 565 (2013)

Asymptotic High Order Mass-Preserving Schemes for a Hyperbolic Model of Chemotaxis

R. Natalini and M. Ribot
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 50 (2) 883 (2012)

Efficient well-balanced hydrostatic upwind schemes for shallow-water equations

Christophe Berthon and Françoise Foucher
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (15) 4993 (2012)

Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI Problems & Perspectives

Christophe Berthon and Françoise Foucher
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI Problems & Perspectives 4 97 (2011)

Well-balanced and energy stable schemes for the shallow water equations with discontinuous topography

Ulrik S. Fjordholm, Siddhartha Mishra and Eitan Tadmor
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (14) 5587 (2011)

Well-balanced positivity preserving central-upwind scheme on triangular grids for the Saint-Venant system

Steve Bryson, Yekaterina Epshteyn, Alexander Kurganov and Guergana Petrova
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 45 (3) 423 (2011)

Asymptotic preserving HLL schemes

Christophe Berthon and Rodolphe Turpault
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 27 (6) 1396 (2011)

A Subsonic-Well-Balanced Reconstruction Scheme for Shallow Water Flows

François Bouchut and Tomás Morales de Luna
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 48 (5) 1733 (2010)

A central scheme for shallow water flows along channels with irregular geometry

Jorge Balbás and Smadar Karni
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 43 (2) 333 (2009)

A Finite Variable Difference Relaxation Scheme for hyperbolic–parabolic equations

Mayank Bajpayi and S.V. Raghurama Rao
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (20) 7513 (2009)

High-order well-balanced schemes and applications to non-equilibrium flow

Wei Wang, Chi-Wang Shu, H.C. Yee and Björn Sjögreen
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (18) 6682 (2009)

Asymptotic High-Order Schemes for $2\times2$ Dissipative Hyperbolic Systems

Denise Aregba-Driollet, Maya Briani and Roberto Natalini
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 46 (2) 869 (2008)

A Positive Preserving High Order VFRoe Scheme for Shallow Water Equations: A Class of Relaxation Schemes

Christophe Berthon and Fabien Marche
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 30 (5) 2587 (2008)

Finite volume schemes of very high order of accuracy for stiff hyperbolic balance laws

Michael Dumbser, Cedric Enaux and Eleuterio F. Toro
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (8) 3971 (2008)

Nonlinear Dynamics of Rotating Shallow Water: Methods and Advances

François Bouchut
Edited Series on Advances in Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Nonlinear Dynamics of Rotating Shallow Water: Methods and Advances 2 189 (2007)

High-order well-balanced finite volume WENO schemes for shallow water equation with moving water

Sebastian Noelle, Yulong Xing and Chi-Wang Shu
Journal of Computational Physics 226 (1) 29 (2007)

Well-balanced finite volume evolution Galerkin methods for the shallow water equations

M. Lukáčová-Medvid’ová, S. Noelle and M. Kraft
Journal of Computational Physics 221 (1) 122 (2007)

Upwinding of the source term at interfaces for Euler equations with high friction

Francois Bouchut, Haythem Ounaissa and Benoît Perthame
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 53 (3-4) 361 (2007)

A steady state capturing and preserving method for computing hyperbolic systems with geometrical source terms having concentrations

Xin Wen
Journal of Computational Physics 219 (1) 322 (2006)

High‐Resolution Finite Volume Methods for Dusty Gas Jets and Plumes

Marica Pelanti and Randall J. LeVeque
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 28 (4) 1335 (2006)

The generalized Riemann problem method for the shallow water equations with bottom topography

Jiequan Li and Guoxian Chen
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 65 (6) 834 (2006)

Well-balanced finite volume schemes of arbitrary order of accuracy for shallow water flows

Sebastian Noelle, Normann Pankratz, Gabriella Puppo and Jostein R. Natvig
Journal of Computational Physics 213 (2) 474 (2006)