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An operational discontinuous Galerkin shallow water model for coastal flood assessment
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A positivity-preserving well-balanced wet-dry front reconstruction for shallow water equations on rectangular grids
Semi-discrete entropy-preserving surface reconstruction schemes for the shallow water equations: Analysis of physical structures
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Andrea Gilberto Filippini, Luca Arpaia, Vincent Perrier, Rodrigo Pedreros, Philippe Bonneton, David Lannes, Fabien Marche, Sebastien De Brye, Simon Delmas, Sophie Lecacheux, Faiza Boulahya and Mario Ricchiuto (2024)
A Well-Balanced Scheme for Euler Equations with Singular Sources
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A well‐balanced positivity‐preserving central‐upwind scheme for one‐dimensional blood flow models
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A new second-order modified hydrostatic reconstruction for the shallow water flows with a discontinuous topography
Moving-Water Equilibria Preserving Partial Relaxation Scheme for the Saint-Venant System
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A fast, robust, and simple Lagrangian–Eulerian solver for balance laws and applications
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A kinetic flux vector splitting scheme for shallow water equations incorporating variable bottom topography and horizontal temperature gradients
Well-balanced schemes for the Euler equations with gravitation: Conservative formulation using global fluxes
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Well-balanced schemes for the shallow water equations with Coriolis forces
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High order well-balanced discontinuous Galerkin methods based on hydrostatic reconstruction for shallow water equations
A shallow water with variable pressure model for blood flow simulation
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Time asymptotic high order schemes for dissipative BGK hyperbolic systems
Fully well-balanced, positive and simple approximate Riemann solver for shallow water equations
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A central-upwind scheme with artificial viscosity for shallow-water flows in channels
Recent Developments in the Numerics of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
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A Well-Balanced Reconstruction of Wet/Dry Fronts for the Shallow Water Equations
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A well‐balanced stable generalized Riemann problem scheme for shallow water equations using adaptive moving unstructured triangular meshes
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A ‘well‐balanced’ finite volume scheme for blood flow simulation
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Large Time Step and Asymptotic Preserving Numerical Schemes for the Gas Dynamics Equations with Source Terms
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On the well-balanced numerical discretization of shallow water equations on unstructured meshes
Well-balanced positivity preserving central-upwind scheme on triangular grids for the Saint-Venant system
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Nonlinear Dynamics of Rotating Shallow Water: Methods and Advances
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Hyperbolic balance laws: Riemann invariants and the generalized Riemann problem
The generalized Riemann problem method for the shallow water equations with bottom topography
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Well-balanced finite volume schemes of arbitrary order of accuracy for shallow water flows
Sebastian Noelle, Normann Pankratz, Gabriella Puppo and Jostein R. Natvig Journal of Computational Physics 213(2) 474 (2006)