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Inf-Sup Stable Finite Element Methods for the Landau--Lifshitz--Gilbert and Harmonic Map Heat Flow Equations
Juan Vicente Gutiérrez-Santacreu and Marco Restelli SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 55(6) 2565 (2017)
A projection‐based time‐splitting algorithm for approximating nematic liquid crystal flows with stretching
Roberto C. Cabrales, Francisco Guillén‐González and Juan Vicente Gutiérrez‐Santacreu ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 97(10) 1204 (2017)
Constrained Optimization for Liquid Crystal Equilibria
J. H. Adler, D. B. Emerson, S. P. MacLachlan and T. A. Manteuffel SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38(1) B50 (2016)
Numerical approximations to a new phase field model for two phase flows of complex fluids
A Time-Splitting Finite-Element Stable Approximation for the Ericksen--Leslie Equations
R. C. Cabrales, F. Guillén-González and J. V. Gutiérrez-Santacreu SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37(2) B261 (2015)
Global existence and regularity of a 1 liquid crystal system
An Overview on Numerical Analyses of Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows
S. Badia, F. Guillén-Gónzalez and J. V. Gutiérrez-Santacreu Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 18(3) 285 (2011)
Finite-dimensional global attractor for a system modeling the 2D nematic liquid crystal flow
Finite element approximation of nematic liquid crystal flows using a saddle-point structure
Santiago Badia, Francisco Guillén-González and Juan Vicente Gutiérrez-Santacreu Journal of Computational Physics 230(4) 1686 (2011)
Finite Element Approximations of the Ericksen–Leslie Model for Nematic Liquid Crystal Flow
Roland Becker, Xiaobing Feng and Andreas Prohl SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 46(4) 1704 (2008)
An energy law preserving C0 finite element scheme for simulating the kinematic effects in liquid crystal dynamics
Phase-field simulations of interfacial dynamics in viscoelastic fluids using finite elements with adaptive meshing
Pengtao Yue, Chunfeng Zhou, James J. Feng, Carl F. Ollivier-Gooch and Howard H. Hu Journal of Computational Physics 219(1) 47 (2006)
Simulations of singularity dynamics in liquid crystal flows: A C0 finite element approach