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Direct Algorithms for Thermal Imaging of Small Inclusions

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Rate of convergence of regularization procedures and finite element approximations for the total variation flow

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Numerische Mathematik 100 (3) 441 (2005)

Pattern Recognition

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Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Pattern Recognition 3663 451 (2005)

A Unified Analysis for Conforming and Nonconforming Stabilized Finite Element Methods Using Interior Penalty

Erik Burman
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 43 (5) 2012 (2005)

Approximation of Hyperbolic Models for Chemosensitive Movement

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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27 (3) 850 (2005)

Analysis of gradient flow of a regularized Mumford-Shah functional for image segmentation and image inpainting

Xiaobing Feng and Andreas Prohl
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 38 (2) 291 (2004)

The Primal-Dual Active Set Method for Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems with Bilateral Constraints

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SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 43 (1) 357 (2004)

On the Equivalence of Soft Wavelet Shrinkage, Total Variation Diffusion, Total Variation Regularization, and SIDEs

Gabriele Steidl, Joachim Weickert, Thomas Brox, Pavel Mrázek and Martin Welk
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 42 (2) 686 (2004)

Analysis of a Multidimensional Parabolic Population Model with Strong Cross-Diffusion

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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 36 (1) 301 (2004)