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Total Generalized Variation for Piecewise Constant Functions on Triangular Meshes with Applications in Imaging
Lukas Baumgärtner, Ronny Bergmann, Roland Herzog, Stephan Schmidt and José Vidal-Núnez SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 16(1) 313 (2023)
A Posteriori Estimates for the Stochastic Total Variation Flow
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Galerkin method with splines for total variation minimization
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Discrete Total Variation Flows without Regularization
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The 1-Harmonic Flow with Values into $\mathbb S^{1}$
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Level Set and PDE Based Reconstruction Methods in Imaging
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Gradient-flow-based semi-implicit finite-element method and its convergence analysis for image reconstruction
Projection Schemes for Fluid Flows through a Porous Interface
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A Penalty Method for the Numerical Solution of Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) Equations in Finance
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Landform - Structure, Evolution, Process Control
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New Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Keller–Segel Chemotaxis Model
Finite element approximation of a forward and backward anisotropic diffusion model in image denoising and form generalization
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Computation of Interface Reflection and Regular or Diffuse Transmission of the Planar Symmetric Radiative Transfer Equation with Isotropic Scattering and Its Diffusion Limit
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A Smooth Transition Model between Kinetic and Diffusion Equations
On the Equivalence of Soft Wavelet Shrinkage, Total Variation Diffusion, Total Variation Regularization, and SIDEs
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Analysis of a Multidimensional Parabolic Population Model with Strong Cross-Diffusion