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Multidimensional approximate Riemann solvers for hyperbolic nonconservative systems. Applications to shallow water systems

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Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic PDE Systems

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On the efficient implementation of PVM methods and simple Riemann solvers. Application to the Roe method for large hyperbolic systems

Ernesto Pimentel-García, Carlos Parés, Manuel J. Castro and Julian Koellermeier
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Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic PDE Systems

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SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic PDE Systems 28 193 (2021)

On Thermodynamically Compatible Finite Volume Methods and Path-Conservative ADER Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for Turbulent Shallow Water Flows

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Journal of Scientific Computing 88 (1) (2021)

Re-evaluating efficiency of first-order numerical schemes for two-layer shallow water systems by considering different eigenvalue solutions

Nino Krvavica
Advances in Water Resources 137 103508 (2020)

Moving mesh version of wave propagation algorithm based on augmented Riemann solver

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High order ADER-DG schemes for the simulation of linear seismic waves induced by nonlinear dispersive free-surface water waves

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A simple diffuse interface approach for compressible flows around moving solids of arbitrary shape based on a reduced Baer–Nunziato model

Friedemann Kemm, Elena Gaburro, Ferdinand Thein and Michael Dumbser
Computers & Fluids 204 104536 (2020)

The Riemann problem for the shallow water equations with discontinuous topography: The wet–dry case

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Journal of Computational Physics 378 344 (2019)

An efficient hyperbolic relaxation system for dispersive non-hydrostatic water waves and its solution with high order discontinuous Galerkin schemes

C. Escalante, M. Dumbser and M.J. Castro
Journal of Computational Physics 394 385 (2019)

FORCE schemes on moving unstructured meshes for hyperbolic systems

Walter Boscheri, Michael Dumbser and Maurizio Righetti
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 78 (2) 362 (2019)

A dynamic multilayer shallow water model for polydisperse sedimentation

Raimund Bürger, Enrique D. Fernández-Nieto and Víctor Osores
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 53 (4) 1391 (2019)

Path-conservative central-upwind schemes for nonconservative hyperbolic systems

Manuel Jesús Castro Díaz, Alexander Kurganov and Tomás Morales de Luna
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 53 (3) 959 (2019)

2D granular flows with the μ(I) rheology and side walls friction: A well-balanced multilayer discretization

E.D. Fernández-Nieto, J. Garres-Díaz, A. Mangeney and G. Narbona-Reina
Journal of Computational Physics 356 192 (2018)

Analytical implementation of Roe solver for two-layer shallow water equations with accurate treatment for loss of hyperbolicity

Nino Krvavica, Miran Tuhtan and Gordan Jelenić
Advances in Water Resources 122 187 (2018)

Shape Optimization, Homogenization and Optimal Control

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A generalized Rusanov method for the Baer‐Nunziato equations with application to DDT processes in condensed porous explosives

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International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 86 (5) 346 (2018)

Efficient multilayer shallow-water simulation system based on GPUs

Miguel Lastra, Manuel J. Castro Díaz, Carlos Ureña and Marc de la Asunción
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 148 48 (2018)

Well-balanced Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian finite volume schemes on moving nonconforming meshes for the Euler equations of gas dynamics with gravity

Elena Gaburro, Manuel J Castro and Michael Dumbser
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 477 (2) 2251 (2018)

Two-Dimensional Simulation of Rarefied Gas Flows Using Quadrature-Based Moment Equations

Julian Koellermeier and Manuel Torrilhon
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 16 (2) 1059 (2018)

Handbook of Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Problems - Applied and Modern Issues

M.J. Castro, T. Morales de Luna and C. Parés
Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Handbook of Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Problems - Applied and Modern Issues 18 131 (2017)

Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VIII - Hyperbolic, Elliptic and Parabolic Problems

M. J. Castro, C. Escalante and T. Morales de Luna
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VIII - Hyperbolic, Elliptic and Parabolic Problems 200 119 (2017)

Data-driven Modeling of the Solar Corona by a New Three-dimensional Path-conservative Osher–Solomon MHD Model

Xueshang Feng, Caixia Li, Changqing Xiang, Man Zhang, HuiChao Li and Fengsi Wei
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 233 (1) 10 (2017)

High Order Direct Arbitrary-Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) Finite Volume Schemes for Hyperbolic Systems on Unstructured Meshes

Walter Boscheri
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 24 (4) 751 (2017)

Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VIII - Methods and Theoretical Aspects

E. D. Fernández-Nieto
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VIII - Methods and Theoretical Aspects 199 15 (2017)

Derivation of a Multilayer Approach to Model Suspended Sediment Transport: Application to Hyperpycnal and Hypopycnal Plumes

T. Morales de Luna, E.D. Fernández Nieto and M. J. Castro Díaz
Communications in Computational Physics 22 (5) 1439 (2017)

Numerical Study of Partially Conservative Moment Equations in Kinetic Theory

Julian Koellermeier and Manuel Torrilhon
Communications in Computational Physics 21 (4) 981 (2017)

Approximate Osher–Solomon schemes for hyperbolic systems

Manuel J. Castro, José M. Gallardo and Antonio Marquina
Applied Mathematics and Computation 272 347 (2016)

A comparison between bottom-discontinuity numerical treatments in the DG framework

Valerio Caleffi, Alessandro Valiani and Gang Li
Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (17-18) 7516 (2016)

Efficient conservative ADER schemes based on WENO reconstruction and space-time predictor in primitive variables

Olindo Zanotti and Michael Dumbser
Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology 3 (1) (2016)

Second order discontinuous Galerkin scheme for compound natural channels with movable bed. Applications for the computation of rating curves

Lorenzo Minatti, Pina Nicoletta De Cicco and Luca Solari
Advances in Water Resources 93 89 (2016)

A Roe-like numerical method for weakly hyperbolic systems of equations in conservation and non-conservation form

Timothy A. Smith, David J. Petty and Carlos Pantano
Journal of Computational Physics 316 117 (2016)

A well‐balanced FV scheme for compound channels with complex geometry and movable bed

L. Minatti
Water Resources Research 51 (8) 6564 (2015)

Shock Profiles for the Shallow-Water Exner Models

C. Berthon, B. Boutin and R. Turpault
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 7 (3) 267 (2015)

Multi-level Monte Carlo finite volume method for shallow water equations with uncertain parameters applied to landslides-generated tsunamis

C. Sánchez-Linares, M. de la Asunción, M.J. Castro, S. Mishra and J. Šukys
Applied Mathematical Modelling (2015)

An efficient splitting technique for two-layer shallow-water model

Christophe Berthon, Françoise Foucher and Tomás Morales
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 31 (5) 1396 (2015)

An efficient unstructured MUSCL scheme for solving the 2D shallow water equations

Jingming Hou, Qiuhua Liang, Hongbin Zhang and Reinhard Hinkelmann
Environmental Modelling & Software 66 131 (2015)

A two-phase shallow debris flow model with energy balance

F. Bouchut, E.D. Fernández-Nieto, A. Mangeney and G. Narbona-Reina
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 49 (1) 101 (2015)

Contradiction between the C‐property and mass conservation in adaptive grid based shallow flow models: cause and solution

Qiuhua Liang, Jingming Hou and Xilin Xia
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 78 (1) 17 (2015)

On the influence of the thickness of the sediment moving layer in the definition of the bedload transport formula in Exner systems

E.D. Fernández-Nieto, C. Lucas, T. Morales de Luna and S. Cordier
Computers & Fluids 91 87 (2014)

Relation between PVM schemes and simple Riemann solvers

Tomás Morales de Luna, Manuel J. Castro Díaz and Carlos Parés
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 30 (4) 1315 (2014)

A second order PVM flux limiter method. Application to magnetohydrodynamics and shallow stratified flows

M.J. Castro Díaz, E.D. Fernández-Nieto, G. Narbona-Reina and M. de la Asunción
Journal of Computational Physics 262 172 (2014)

One-dimensional numerical modeling of the long-term morphodynamic evolution of a tidally-dominated estuary: The Lower Fly River (Papua New Guinea)

Alberto Canestrelli, Stefano Lanzoni and Sergio Fagherazzi
Sedimentary Geology 301 107 (2014)

A Riemann problem solution methodology for a class of evolutionary mixture equations with an arbitrary number of components

M.W. Crochet and K.A. Gonthier
Applied Numerical Mathematics 76 145 (2014)

A Multilayer Method for the Hydrostatic Navier-Stokes Equations: A Particular Weak Solution

E. D. Fernández-Nieto, E. H. Koné and T. Chacón Rebollo
Journal of Scientific Computing 60 (2) 408 (2014)

A Class of Incomplete Riemann Solvers Based on Uniform Rational Approximations to the Absolute Value Function

Manuel J. Castro, José M. Gallardo and Antonio Marquina
Journal of Scientific Computing 60 (2) 363 (2014)

High order space–time adaptive ADER-WENO finite volume schemes for non-conservative hyperbolic systems

Michael Dumbser, Arturo Hidalgo and Olindo Zanotti
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 268 359 (2014)

A global multiscale mathematical model for the human circulation with emphasis on the venous system

Lucas O. Müller and Eleuterio F. Toro
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 30 (7) 681 (2014)

Reliability of first order numerical schemes for solving shallow water system over abrupt topography

T. Morales de Luna, M.J. Castro Díaz and C. Parés
Applied Mathematics and Computation 219 (17) 9012 (2013)

A closure-independent Generalized Roe solver for free-surface, two-phase flows over mobile bed

Giorgio Rosatti and Lorenzo Begnudelli
Journal of Computational Physics 255 362 (2013)

A multilayer shallow water system for polydisperse sedimentation

E.D. Fernández-Nieto, E.H. Koné, T. Morales de Luna and R. Bürger
Journal of Computational Physics 238 281 (2013)

Formal derivation of a bilayer model coupling shallow water and Reynolds lubrication equations: evolution of a thin pollutant layer over water

European Journal of Applied Mathematics 24 (6) 803 (2013)

Numerical investigation of a modified family of centered schemes applied to multiphase equations with nonconservative sources

M.W. Crochet and K.A. Gonthier
Journal of Computational Physics 255 266 (2013)

Well‐balanced high‐order solver for blood flow in networks of vessels with variable properties

Lucas O. Müller and Eleuterio F. Toro
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 29 (12) 1388 (2013)

High order exactly well-balanced numerical methods for shallow water systems

M.J. Castro Díaz, J.A. López-García and Carlos Parés
Journal of Computational Physics 246 242 (2013)

Efficient GPU implementation of a two waves TVD-WAF method for the two-dimensional one layer shallow water system on structured meshes

Marc de la Asunción, Manuel J. Castro, E.D. Fernández-Nieto, et al.
Computers & Fluids 80 441 (2013)

Well-balanced bicharacteristic-based scheme for multilayer shallow water flows including wet/dry fronts

M. Dudzinski and M. Lukáčová-Medvid’ová
Journal of Computational Physics 235 82 (2013)

Two-dimensional simulation of debris flows over mobile bed: Enhancing the TRENT2D model by using a well-balanced Generalized Roe-type solver

Giorgio Rosatti and Lorenzo Begnudelli
Computers & Fluids 71 179 (2013)

A 2D well-balanced shallow flow model for unstructured grids with novel slope source term treatment

Jingming Hou, Qiuhua Liang, Franz Simons and Reinhard Hinkelmann
Advances in Water Resources 52 107 (2013)

Entropy Conservative and Entropy Stable Schemes for Nonconservative Hyperbolic Systems

Manuel J. Castro, Ulrik S. Fjordholm, Siddhartha Mishra and Carlos Parés
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 51 (3) 1371 (2013)

High-order unstructured Lagrangian one-step WENO finite volume schemes for non-conservative hyperbolic systems: Applications to compressible multi-phase flows

Michael Dumbser and Walter Boscheri
Computers & Fluids 86 405 (2013)

Restoration of the contact surface in FORCE-type centred schemes II: Non-conservative one- and two-layer two-dimensional shallow water equations

Alberto Canestrelli and Eleuterio F. Toro
Advances in Water Resources 47 76 (2012)

Central Schemes for Nonconservative Hyperbolic Systems

M. J. Castro, Carlos Parés, Gabriella Puppo and Giovanni Russo
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 (5) B523 (2012)