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Dimensional reduction technique for the prediction of global and local responses of unidirectional composite with matrix nonlinearity and varying fiber packing geometry
Residual-Based Stabilized Reduced-Order Models of the Transient Convection–Diffusion–Reaction Equation Obtained Through Discrete and Continuous Projection
Accelerated solutions of convection‐dominated partial differential equations using implicit feature tracking and empirical quadrature
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An iterative multi‐fidelity approach for model order reduction of multidimensional input parametric PDE systems
Manisha Chetry, Domenico Borzacchiello, Lucas Lestandi and Luisa Rocha Da Silva International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 124(22) 4941 (2023)
Model reduction of convection-dominated partial differential equations via optimization-based implicit feature tracking
A New Certified Hierarchical and Adaptive RB-ML-ROM Surrogate Model for Parametrized PDEs
Bernard Haasdonk, Hendrik Kleikamp, Mario Ohlberger, Felix Schindler and Tizian Wenzel SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 45(3) A1039 (2023)
Reduced order model predictive control for parametrized parabolic partial differential equations
Evaluation of dual-weighted residual and machine learning error estimation for projection-based reduced-order models of steady partial differential equations
Francesco A. B. Silva, Cecilia Pagliantini, Martin Grepl and Karen Veroy GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics 14(1) (2023)
Fast and reliable reduced‐order models for cardiac electrophysiology
Model order reduction for deforming domain problems in a time‐continuous space‐time setting
Fabian Key, Max von Danwitz, Francesco Ballarin and Gianluigi Rozza International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 124(23) 5125 (2023)
Multi‐fidelity error estimation accelerates greedy model reduction of complex dynamical systems
Lihong Feng, Luigi Lombardi, Giulio Antonini and Peter Benner International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 124(23) 5312 (2023)
Nonintrusive Reduced-Order Models for Parametric Partial Differential Equations via Data-Driven Operator Inference
A Reduced Order Cut Finite Element method for geometrically parametrized steady and unsteady Navier–Stokes problems
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Certified Reduced Basis Method for the Damped Wave Equations on Networks
Reduced Operator Inference for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Elizabeth Qian, Ionuţ-Gabriel Farcaş and Karen Willcox SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 44(4) A1934 (2022)
Rank-adaptive structure-preserving model order reduction of Hamiltonian systems
Jan S. Hesthaven, Cecilia Pagliantini and Nicolò Ripamonti ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 56(2) 617 (2022)
Parametric model-order-reduction development for unsteady convection
Using Reduced Basis Approximation for Efficient Surrogate-Based Inverse Identification of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Parameters from an In Situ Heating Test
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Reduced Basis Approximation for a Spatial Lotka-Volterra Model
On Optimal Pointwise in Time Error Bounds and Difference Quotients for the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
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Probabilistic error estimation for non-intrusive reduced models learned from data of systems governed by linear parabolic partial differential equations
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Learning physics-based models from data: perspectives from inverse problems and model reduction
A compute-bound formulation of Galerkin model reduction for linear time-invariant dynamical systems
Francesco Rizzi, Eric J. Parish, Patrick J. Blonigan and John Tencer Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 384 113973 (2021)
Separated response surfaces for flows in parametrised domains: Comparison of a priori and a posteriori PGD algorithms
Nonintrusive proper generalised decomposition for parametrised incompressible flow problems in OpenFOAM
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A reduced-order shifted boundary method for parametrized incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
Efthymios N. Karatzas, Giovanni Stabile, Leo Nouveau, Guglielmo Scovazzi and Gianluigi Rozza Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 370 113273 (2020)
Efficient geometrical parametrization for finite‐volume‐based reduced order methods
Giovanni Stabile, Matteo Zancanaro and Gianluigi Rozza International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 121(12) 2655 (2020)
IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, May 22–25, 2018
Efthymios N. Karatzas, Giovanni Stabile, Nabil Atallah, Guglielmo Scovazzi and Gianluigi Rozza IUTAM Bookseries, IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, May 22–25, 2018 36 111 (2020)
Building a certified reduced basis for coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical systems with goal-oriented error estimation
An adaptive sampling procedure for parametric model order reduction by matrix interpolation
Ying Liu, Hongguang Li, Huanyu Du, Ningke Tong and Guang Meng Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 39(4) 821 (2020)
Adaptive basis construction and improved error estimation for parametric nonlinear dynamical systems
Sridhar Chellappa, Lihong Feng and Peter Benner International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 121(23) 5320 (2020)
A Homotopy Method with Adaptive Basis Selection for Computing Multiple Solutions of Differential Equations
Reduced-Order Modelling and Homogenisation in Magneto-Mechanics: A Numerical Comparison of Established Hyper-Reduction Methods
Benjamin Brands, Denis Davydov, Julia Mergheim and Paul Steinmann Mathematical and Computational Applications 24(1) 20 (2019)
A nonintrusive reduced order modelling approach using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and locally adaptive sparse grids
Fahad Alsayyari, Zoltán Perkó, Danny Lathouwers and Jan Leen Kloosterman Journal of Computational Physics 399 108912 (2019)
Reduced Collocation Method for Time-Dependent Parametrized Partial Differential Equations
A reduced basis approach for PDEs on parametrized geometries based on the shifted boundary finite element method and application to a Stokes flow
Efthymios N. Karatzas, Giovanni Stabile, Leo Nouveau, Guglielmo Scovazzi and Gianluigi Rozza Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 347 568 (2019)
Adaptive non-intrusive reduced order modeling for compressible flows
Christopher Spannring, Sebastian Ullmann and Jens Lang Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Recent Advances in Computational Engineering 124 145 (2018)
Yi Wang, Kapil Pant, Martin J. Brenner and Jeffrey A. Ouellette (2018)