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A Reduced Order Model for a Stable Embedded Boundary Parametrized Cahn–Hilliard Phase-Field System Based on Cut Finite Elements

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Parametric Model Order Reduction of Guided Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Fiber Metal Laminates with Damage

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On Optimal Pointwise in Time Error Bounds and Difference Quotients for the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition

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Probabilistic error estimation for non-intrusive reduced models learned from data of systems governed by linear parabolic partial differential equations

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A Hyper-Reduced MAC Scheme for the Parametric Stokes and Navier-Stokes Equations

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Data-driven reduced-order models via regularised Operator Inference for a single-injector combustion process

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A Least-Squares Finite Element Reduced Basis Method

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L1-Based Reduced Over Collocation and Hyper Reduction for Steady State and Time-Dependent Nonlinear Equations

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A compute-bound formulation of Galerkin model reduction for linear time-invariant dynamical systems

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Separated response surfaces for flows in parametrised domains: Comparison of a priori and a posteriori PGD algorithms

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Effects of transient processes for thermal simulations of the Central European Basin

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A two-level parameterized Model-Order Reduction approach for time-domain elastodynamics

Mohamed Aziz Bhouri and Anthony T. Patera
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 385 114004 (2021)

Sampling Low-Dimensional Markovian Dynamics for Preasymptotically Recovering Reduced Models from Data with Operator Inference

Benjamin Peherstorfer
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (5) A3489 (2020)

Nonintrusive proper generalised decomposition for parametrised incompressible flow problems in OpenFOAM

Vasileios Tsiolakis, Matteo Giacomini, Ruben Sevilla, Carsten Othmer and Antonio Huerta
Computer Physics Communications 249 107013 (2020)

A reduced-order shifted boundary method for parametrized incompressible Navier–Stokes equations

Efthymios N. Karatzas, Giovanni Stabile, Leo Nouveau, Guglielmo Scovazzi and Gianluigi Rozza
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 370 113273 (2020)

Efficient geometrical parametrization for finite‐volume‐based reduced order methods

Giovanni Stabile, Matteo Zancanaro and Gianluigi Rozza
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 121 (12) 2655 (2020)

A solution for fractional PDE constrained optimization problems using reduced basis method

A. Rezazadeh, M. Mahmoudi and M. Darehmiraki
Computational and Applied Mathematics 39 (2) (2020)

IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, May 22–25, 2018

Efthymios N. Karatzas, Giovanni Stabile, Nabil Atallah, Guglielmo Scovazzi and Gianluigi Rozza
IUTAM Bookseries, IUTAM Symposium on Model Order Reduction of Coupled Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, May 22–25, 2018 36 111 (2020)

Building a certified reduced basis for coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical systems with goal-oriented error estimation

Ygee Larion, Sergio Zlotnik, Thierry J. Massart and Pedro Díez
Computational Mechanics 66 (3) 559 (2020)

Efficient structural reliability analysis by using a PGD model in an adaptive importance sampling schema

Annika Robens-Radermacher and Jörg F. Unger
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 7 (1) (2020)

Time-series machine-learning error models for approximate solutions to parameterized dynamical systems

Eric J. Parish and Kevin T. Carlberg
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 365 112990 (2020)

An adaptive sampling procedure for parametric model order reduction by matrix interpolation

Ying Liu, Hongguang Li, Huanyu Du, Ningke Tong and Guang Meng
Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 39 (4) 821 (2020)

Adaptive basis construction and improved error estimation for parametric nonlinear dynamical systems

Sridhar Chellappa, Lihong Feng and Peter Benner
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 121 (23) 5320 (2020)

A Homotopy Method with Adaptive Basis Selection for Computing Multiple Solutions of Differential Equations

Wenrui Hao, Jan Hesthaven, Guang Lin and Bin Zheng
Journal of Scientific Computing 82 (1) (2020)

Gradient-based constrained optimization using a database of linear reduced-order models

Youngsoo Choi, Gabriele Boncoraglio, Spenser Anderson, David Amsallem and Charbel Farhat
Journal of Computational Physics 423 109787 (2020)

Adaptive reduced order modeling for nonlinear dynamical systems through a new a posteriori error estimator: Application to uncertainty quantification

Md. Nurtaj Hossain and Debraj Ghosh
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 121 (15) 3417 (2020)

Projection-based reduced order models for a cut finite element method in parametrized domains

Efthymios N. Karatzas, Francesco Ballarin and Gianluigi Rozza
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 79 (3) 833 (2020)

Reduced-Order Modelling and Homogenisation in Magneto-Mechanics: A Numerical Comparison of Established Hyper-Reduction Methods

Benjamin Brands, Denis Davydov, Julia Mergheim and Paul Steinmann
Mathematical and Computational Applications 24 (1) 20 (2019)

A nonintrusive reduced order modelling approach using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and locally adaptive sparse grids

Fahad Alsayyari, Zoltán Perkó, Danny Lathouwers and Jan Leen Kloosterman
Journal of Computational Physics 399 108912 (2019)

Reduced Collocation Method for Time-Dependent Parametrized Partial Differential Equations

Rezvan Ghaffari and Farideh Ghoreishi
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 45 (5) 1487 (2019)

Review for order reduction based on proper orthogonal decomposition and outlooks of applications in mechanical systems

Kuan Lu, Yulin Jin, Yushu Chen, et al.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 123 264 (2019)

Certified Offline-Free Reduced Basis (COFRB) Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Arbitrary Types of Noise

Yong Liu, Tianheng Chen, Yanlai Chen and Chi-Wang Shu
Journal of Scientific Computing 81 (3) 1210 (2019)

A Component‐Based Parametric Reduced‐Order Modeling Method Combined with Substructural Matrix Interpolation and Automatic Sampling

Ying Liu, Hongguang Li, Yun Li, Huanyu Du and Carlo Rainieri
Shock and Vibration 2019 (1) (2019)

Machine-learning error models for approximate solutions to parameterized systems of nonlinear equations

Brian A. Freno and Kevin T. Carlberg
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 348 250 (2019)

A reduced basis approach for PDEs on parametrized geometries based on the shifted boundary finite element method and application to a Stokes flow

Efthymios N. Karatzas, Giovanni Stabile, Leo Nouveau, Guglielmo Scovazzi and Gianluigi Rozza
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 347 568 (2019)

Adaptive non-intrusive reduced order modeling for compressible flows

Jian Yu, Chao Yan, Zhenhua Jiang, Wu Yuan and Shusheng Chen
Journal of Computational Physics 397 108855 (2019)

Finite volume POD-Galerkin stabilised reduced order methods for the parametrised incompressible Navier–Stokes equations

Giovanni Stabile and Gianluigi Rozza
Computers & Fluids 173 273 (2018)

Recent Advances in Computational Engineering

Christopher Spannring, Sebastian Ullmann and Jens Lang
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Recent Advances in Computational Engineering 124 145 (2018)