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Optimizing near-carbon-free nuclear energy systems: advances in reactor operation digital twin through hybrid machine learning algorithms for parameter identification and state estimation
Automatic Proper Orthogonal Block Decomposition method for network dynamical systems with multiple timescales
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Residual-Based Stabilized Reduced-Order Models of the Transient Convection–Diffusion–Reaction Equation Obtained Through Discrete and Continuous Projection
Model order reduction of nonlinear thermo-hydro-mechanical systems by means of elastic and plastic domain sub-structuring
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Macro-micro decomposition for consistent and conservative model order reduction of hyperbolic shallow water moment equations: a study using POD-Galerkin and dynamical low-rank approximation
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for hypersonic flows
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Reduced basis approximations of parameterized dynamical partial differential equations via neural networks
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Improved a posteriori error bounds for reduced port-Hamiltonian systems
Johannes Rettberg, Dominik Wittwar, Patrick Buchfink, Robin Herkert, Jörg Fehr and Bernard Haasdonk Advances in Computational Mathematics 50(5) (2024)
Reduced basis method for the nonlinear Poisson–Boltzmann equation regularized by the range-separated canonical tensor format
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Interconnection-based model order reduction - a survey
Reduced Basis modelling of turbulence with well-developed inertial range
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An EIM-based compression-extrapolation tool for efficient treatment of homogenized cross-section data
Olivier Truffinet, Karim Ammar, Nicolas Gérard Castaing, Jean-Philippe Argaud and Bertrand Bouriquet Annals of Nuclear Energy 185 109705 (2023)
Reduced order model predictive control for parametrized parabolic partial differential equations
Model order reduction for deforming domain problems in a time‐continuous space‐time setting
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Geometric parameterization of unit cell configurations for reduced basis approximation
A deep neural network approach for parameterized PDEs and Bayesian inverse problems
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Efficient and certified solution of parametrized one-way coupled problems through DEIM-based data projection across non-conforming interfaces
Multi‐fidelity error estimation accelerates greedy model reduction of complex dynamical systems
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Non-Intrusive Reduced-Order Modeling Based on Parametrized Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
A physics-based reduced order model for urban air pollution prediction
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Updating an uncertain and expensive computational model in structural dynamics based on one single target FRF using a probabilistic learning tool
An iterative multi‐fidelity approach for model order reduction of multidimensional input parametric PDE systems
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Bayes goes fast: Uncertainty quantification for a covariant energy density functional emulated by the reduced basis method
Lookahead data-gathering strategies for online adaptive model reduction of transport-dominated problems
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Springer Handbook of Semiconductor Devices
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Multiscale model reduction for stochastic elasticity problems using ensemble variable-separated method
A Reduced Order Cut Finite Element method for geometrically parametrized steady and unsteady Navier–Stokes problems
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A DEIM driven reduced basis method for the diffuse Stokes/Darcy model coupled at parametric phase-field interfaces
Model order reduction for bifurcating phenomena in fluid‐structure interaction problems
Moaad Khamlich, Federico Pichi and Gianluigi Rozza International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 94(10) 1611 (2022)
Reduced Operator Inference for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Elizabeth Qian, Ionuţ-Gabriel Farcaş and Karen Willcox SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 44(4) A1934 (2022)
Comparing Different Stabilization Strategies for Reduced Order Modeling of Viscoelastic Fluid Flow Problems
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Projection-based model reduction of dynamical systems using space–time subspace and machine learning
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Model Order Reduction via Moment-Matching: A State of the Art Review
Projection-tree reduced-order modeling for fast N-body computations
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Goal-oriented model reduction for parametrized time-dependent nonlinear partial differential equations
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A hyper-reduced MAC scheme for the parametric Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations