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Viscous stress approximations in diffuse interface methods for two-phase flow based on mechanical jump conditions
Martin Reder, Andreas Prahs, Daniel Schneider and Britta Nestler Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 432 117341 (2024)
Finite-Element Method for the Simulation of Lipid Vesicle/Fluid Interactions in a Quasi–Newtonian Fluid Flow
A mechanically consistent model for fluid–structure interactions with contact including seepage
Erik Burman, Miguel A. Fernández, Stefan Frei and Fannie M. Gerosa Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 392 114637 (2022)
An Eulerian Finite-Volume Approach of Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems on Quadtree Meshes
An unfitted mesh semi‐implicit coupling scheme for fluid‐structure interaction with immersed solids
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A remeshed vortex method for mixed rigid/soft body fluid–structure interaction
A Nitsche-based formulation for fluid-structure interactions with contact
Erik Burman, Miguel A. Fernández and Stefan Frei ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 54(2) 531 (2020)
Numerical Simulations of the Interaction of Solitary Waves and Elastic Structures with a Fully Eulerian Method
A Higher-Order Discontinuous Galerkin/Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Partitioned Approach to Solving Fluid–Structure Interaction Problems with Incompressible, Viscous Fluids and Elastic Structures
Splitting Methods in Communication, Imaging, Science, and Engineering
Martina Bukač, Sunčica Čanić, Boris Muha and Roland Glowinski Scientific Computation, Splitting Methods in Communication, Imaging, Science, and Engineering 731 (2016)
Nitsche-XFEM for the coupling of an incompressible fluid with immersed thin-walled structures
Frédéric Alauzet, Benoit Fabrèges, Miguel A. Fernández and Mikel Landajuela Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 301 300 (2016)
Free Vibration Analysis of a Liquid in a Circular Cylindrical Rigid Tank Using the Hierarchical Finite Element Method
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A particle‐based moving interface method (PMIM) for modeling the large deformation of boundaries in soft matter systems
Louis Foucard and Franck J. Vernerey International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 107(11) 923 (2016)
An adaptive finite element method for the modeling of the equilibrium of red blood cells
Aymen Laadhari, Pierre Saramito and Chaouqi Misbah International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 80(7) 397 (2016)
Numerical modeling of fluid–structure interaction in arteries with anisotropic polyconvex hyperelastic and anisotropic viscoelastic material models at finite strains
Daniel Balzani, Simone Deparis, Simon Fausten, Davide Forti, Alexander Heinlein, Axel Klawonn, Alfio Quarteroni, Oliver Rheinbach and Joerg Schröder International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 32(10) (2016)
A semi-implicit level set method for multiphase flows and fluid–structure interaction problems
A three‐field stabilized finite element method for fluid‐structure interaction: elastic solid and rigid body limit
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An Eulerian projection method for quasi-static elastoplasticity
A modular, operator‐splitting scheme for fluid–structure interaction problems with thick structures
M. Bukač, S. Čanić, R. Glowinski, B. Muha and A. Quaini International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 74(8) 577 (2014)
Computing the dynamics of biomembranes by combining conservative level set and adaptive finite element methods
An Overset Grid Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction
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A simple Cartesian scheme for compressible multimaterials
Fluid–structure interaction in blood flow capturing non-zero longitudinal structure displacement
Martina Bukač, Sunčica Čanić, Roland Glowinski, Josip Tambača and Annalisa Quaini Journal of Computational Physics 235 515 (2013)
Towards numerical prediction of red blood cells dynamics within a cytometer
Aerodynamic control of micro air vehicle wings using electroactive membranes
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Fully Eulerian finite element approximation of a fluid‐structure interaction problem in cardiac cells
A. Laadhari, R. Ruiz‐Baier and A. Quarteroni International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 96(11) 712 (2013)
A Review of Full Eulerian Methods for Fluid Structure Interaction Problems
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Reference map technique for finite-strain elasticity and fluid–solid interaction
A full Eulerian finite difference approach for solving fluid–structure coupling problems
Kazuyasu Sugiyama, Satoshi Ii, Shintaro Takeuchi, Shu Takagi and Yoichiro Matsumoto Journal of Computational Physics 230(3) 596 (2011)
An implicit full Eulerian method for the fluid–structure interaction problem
S. Ii, K. Sugiyama, S. Takeuchi, S. Takagi and Y. Matsumoto International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 65(1-3) 150 (2011)
Analysis of a Stochastic Implicit Interface Model for an Immersed Elastic Surface in a Fluctuating Fluid
Parallel Algorithms for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems in Haemodynamics
Paolo Crosetto, Simone Deparis, Gilles Fourestey and Alfio Quarteroni SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 33(4) 1598 (2011)
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI Problems & Perspectives
Angelo Iollo, Thomas Milcent and Haysam Telib Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI Problems & Perspectives 4 581 (2011)
Phase field calculus, curvature-dependent energies, and vesicle membranes