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Signal and image reconstruction with a double parameter Hager–Zhang‐type conjugate gradient method for system of nonlinear equations
Kabiru Ahmed, Mohammed Yusuf Waziri, Abubakar Sani Halilu, Salisu Murtala and Habibu Abdullahi Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 32(1) (2025)
New hybrid conjugate gradient algorithm for vector optimization problems
An efficient modified conjugate gradient parameter for solving the system of symmetric nonlinear equations with application in motion control of coplanar robot
An efficient projection algorithm for large-scale system of monotone nonlinear equations with applications in signal recovery
Ghulam Abbass, Haibo Chen, Muhammad Abdullahi and Abba Baba Muhammad Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (2024)
An efficient modified HS conjugate gradient algorithm in machine learning
Predicting Autoxidation of Sulfides in Drug-like Molecules Using Quantum Mechanical/Density Functional Theory Methods
Arnab Bose, Gabriel A. Valdivia-Berroeta and Nina C. Gonnella Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 64(1) 128 (2024)
Atomistic simulation of rolling contact fatigue behavior of a face‐centered cubic material (nickel)
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A family of gradient methods using Householder transformation with application to hypergraph partitioning
Development of Epigenetic Modifiers with Therapeutic Potential in FMS-Related Tyrosine Kinase 3/Internal Tandem Duplication (FLT3/ITD) Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Other Blood Malignancies
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Two improved nonlinear conjugate gradient methods with application in conditional model regression function
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Sodium Triflate Water-in-Salt Electrolytes in Advanced Battery Applications: A First-Principles-Based Molecular Dynamics Study
Nanoscale Adhesion and Material Transfer at 2D MoS2–MoS2 Interfaces Elucidated by In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy and Atomistic Simulations
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Novel approaches for hyper-parameter tuning of physics-informed Gaussian processes: application to parametric PDEs
Descent Spectral Versions of The Traditional Conjugate Gradient Algorithms with Application to Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
Fatemeh DARGAHI, Saman BABAIE–KAFAKI and Zohre AMINIFARD Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Science and Technology of Information 17(1) 35 (2024)
An Explicit Three-Term Polak–Ribière–Polyak Conjugate Gradient Method for Bicriteria Optimization
Machine Learning Allowed Interpreting Toxicity of a Fe-Doped CuO NM Library Large Data Set─An Environmental In Vivo Case Study
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On a Scaled Symmetric Dai–Liao-Type Scheme for Constrained System of Nonlinear Equations with Applications
Kabiru Ahmed, Mohammed Yusuf Waziri, Salisu Murtala, Abubakar Sani Halilu and Jamilu Sabi’u Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 200(2) 669 (2024)
Effects of –H and –OH Termination on Adhesion of Si–Si Contacts Examined Using Molecular Dynamics and Density Functional Theory
Influence of Selective Deoxyfluorination on the Molecular Structure of Type-2 N-Acetyllactosamine
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Bhagwat Ram, Shashi Kant Mishra, Kin Keung Lai and Predrag Rajković 41 (2024)
A conjugate gradient projection method with restart procedure for solving constraint equations and image restorations
Unveiling Core–Shell Structure Formation in a Ni3Fe Nanoparticle with In Situ Multi-Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging
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Improving Deep Neural Networks’ Training for Image Classification With Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient-Style Adaptive Momentum
Influence to New Formulas Gradient for Removing Impulse Noise Images
Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software" 17(1) (2024)
Stochastic three-term conjugate gradient method with variance technique for non-convex learning
Exploring Antimicrobial Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes for Cheese Preservation: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study
Rafael Resende Assis Silva, Clara Suprani Marques, Luiza Alves Mendes, Pedro Augusto Vieira Freitas, Taíla Veloso de Oliveira, Luciana Matos Alves Pinto, Carlos Jaime and Nilda de Fátima Ferreira Soares Food and Bioprocess Technology 17(12) 4980 (2024)
Continuum contact model for friction between graphene sheets that accounts for surface anisotropy and curvature
Khaoula Meansri, Noureddine Benrabia, Mourad Ghiat, Hamza Guebbai and Imane Hafaidia Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Mathematics and Its Application 16(1) 24 (2024)
Another hybrid conjugate gradient method as a convex combination of WYL and CD methods
New CG-Based Algorithms With Second-Order Curvature Information for NLS Problems and a 4DOF Arm Robot Model
Rabiu Bashir Yunus, Nooraini Zainuddin, Hanita Daud, Ramani Kannan, Mahmoud Muhammad Yahaya and Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim IEEE Access 12 61086 (2024)
A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Structural and Spectroscopic Properties of the Piv-Pro-d-Ser-NHMe Peptide
Sébastien Menant, Vincent Tognetti, Hassan Oulyadi, Laure Guilhaudis and Isabelle Ségalas-Milazzo The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 128(28) 6704 (2024)
Superior Formula for Gradient Impulse Noise Reduction from Images
Mechanical response of van der Waals and charge coupled carbon nanotubes
Aningi Mokhalingam, Indranil S Dalal and Shakti S Gupta Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 32(3) 035025 (2024)
A Smoothing Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Sparse Logistic Regression Problems
A new family of hybrid three-term conjugate gradient method for unconstrained optimization with application to image restoration and portfolio selection
Maulana Malik, Ibrahim Mohammed Sulaiman, Auwal Bala Abubakar, Gianinna Ardaneswari and Sukono AIMS Mathematics 8(1) 1 (2023)
The Convergence Properties of Conjugate Gradient Method Using AMRI Parameter with Exact Line Search
Motion correction for separate mandibular and cranial movements in cone beam CT reconstructions
Lukas Birklein, Stefan Niebler, Elmar Schömer, Robert Brylka, Ulrich Schwanecke and Ralf Schulze Medical Physics 50(6) 3511 (2023)
FATEMEH DARGAHI, SAMAN BABAIE–KAFAKI and ZOHRE AMINIFARD Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Science and Technology of Information 16(1-2) 5 (2023)
Efficient 1.5D full waveform inversion in the Laplace-Fourier domain
Tomas Hrycej, Bernhard Bermeitinger, Matthias Cetto and Siegfried Handschuh Texts in Computer Science, Mathematical Foundations of Data Science 129 (2023)
A mini-batch stochastic conjugate gradient algorithm with variance reduction
Full-waveform inversion using level set and cut elements for sharp-interface problems
Hélio Emmendoerfer, Paulo Bastos de Castro, Bruno Souza Carmo, Emílio Carlos Nelli Silva and Eduardo Alberto Fancello Journal of Computational Physics 112561 (2023)
The incorporation of xenon at point defects and bubbles in uranium mononitride
Generalizability of functional forms for interatomic potential models discovered by symbolic regression
Alberto Hernandez and Tim Mueller Physical Review Materials 7(5) (2023)
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Molecular Modeling of Water-in-Salt Electrolytes: A Comprehensive Analysis of Polarization Effects and Force Field Parameters in Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Directed Gaussian process metamodeling with improved firefly algorithm (iFA) for composite manufacturing uncertainty propagation analysis
Amit Kumar Ball, Kai Zhou, Dong Xu, Dianyun Zhang and Jiong Tang The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 126(1-2) 49 (2023)
Performance evaluation of a novel Conjugate Gradient Method for training feed forward neural network
K. Kamilu, M. I. Sulaiman, A. L. Muhammad, A. W. Mohamad and M. Mamat Mathematical Modeling and Computing 10(2) 326 (2023)
A new hybrid conjugate gradient algorithm based on the Newton direction to solve unconstrained optimization problems
Naima Hamel, Noureddine Benrabia, Mourad Ghiat and Hamza Guebbai Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 69(3) 2531 (2023)
Accurate holographic light potentials using pixel crosstalk modelling
A Class of Spectral Three-term Descent Hestenes-Stiefel Conjugate Gradient Algorithms for large-scale Unconstrained Optimization and Image Restoration Problems
Single-Layer and Double-Layer Filtration Materials Based on Polyvinylidene Fluoride-Co-hexafluoropropylene Nanofibers Coated on Melamine Microfibers
Tilen Potisk, Maja Remškar, Luka Pirker, Gregor Filipič, Igor Mihelič, Marjan Ješelnik, Urban Čoko and Miha Ravnik ACS Applied Nano Materials 6(17) 15807 (2023)
Two diagonal conjugate gradient like methods for unconstrained optimization
Hassan Mohammad, Ibrahim Mohammed Sulaiman and Mustafa Mamat Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (2023)
A new three-term spectral subgradient method for solving absolute value equation