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Application of Fatou’s Lemma for Strong Homogenization of Attractors to Reaction–Diffusion Systems with Rapidly Oscillating Coefficients in Orthotropic Media with Periodic Obstacles
strange non-local monotone operator arising in the homogenization of a diffusion equation with dynamic nonlinear boundary conditions on particles of critical size and arbitrary shape
Jesus Ildefonso Diaz, Tatiana A. Shaposhnikova and Maria N. Zubova Electronic Journal of Differential Equations 2022(01-87) 52 (2022)
Homogenization of the Poisson equation in a non-periodically perforated domain
Сильная сходимость аттракторов системы реакции-диффузии с быстро осциллирующими членами в ортотропной пористой среде
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Homogenization of a quasilinear elliptic problem in domains with small holes
Homogenization of a net of periodic critically scaled boundary obstacles related to reverse osmosis “nano-composite” membranes
Jesús Ildefonso Díaz, David Gómez-Castro, Alexander V. Podolskiy and Tatiana A. Shaposhnikova Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 9(1) 193 (2020)
Homogenization of Linear Parabolic Equations with a Certain Resonant Matching Between Rapid Spatial and Temporal Oscillations in Periodically Perforated Domains
Unilateral problems for thep-Laplace operator in perforated media involving large parameters
Delfina Gómez, Miguel Lobo, Eugenia Pérez, Alexander V. Podolskii and Tatiana A. Shaposhnikova ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 24(3) 921 (2018)
Homogenization of a nonlinear monotone problem with nonlinear Signorini boundary conditions in a domain with highly rough boundary
Characterizing the strange term in critical size homogenization: Quasilinear equations with a general microscopic boundary condition
Jesus Ildefonso Díaz, David Gómez-Castro, Alexander V. Podol’skii and Tatiana A. Shaposhnikova Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 8(1) 679 (2017)
A discontinuous Poisson–Boltzmann equation with interfacial jump: homogenisation and residual error estimate
Homogenization of a variational inequality for the Laplace operator with nonlinear restriction for the flux on the interior boundary of a perforated domain
A Generalized Strange Term in Signorini's Type Problems
Carlos Conca, François Murat and Claudia Timofte ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 37(5) 773 (2003)
Which sequences of holes are admissible for periodic homogenization with Neumann boundary condition?
Homogénéisation d'une classe de problèmes non linéaires dans des domaines perforés
Salaheddine Bendib and Roder Louis Tcheugoué Tébou Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics 328(12) 1145 (1999)
Homogenization of Boundary-Value Problem in a Locally Periodic Perforated Domain
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