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A fractional time-stepping method for unsteady thermal convection in non-Newtonian fluids
Mofdi El-Amrani, Anouar Obbadi, Mohammed Seaid and Driss Yakoubi Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 140 108350 (2025)
A finite element model for concentration polarization and osmotic effects in a membrane channel
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Darcy’s problem coupled with the heat equation under singular forcing: analysis and discretization
Alejandro Allendes, Gilberto Campaña, Francisco Fuica and Enrique Otárola IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 44(6) 3683 (2024)
A Banach spaces-based fully mixed virtual element method for the stationary two-dimensional Boussinesq equations
A time viscosity-splitting method for incompressible flows with temperature-dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity
Mofdi El-Amrani, Anouar Obbadi, Mohammed Seaid and Driss Yakoubi Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 429 117103 (2024)
A coupled model of the fluid flow with nonlinear slip Tresca boundary condition
An iterative scheme for solving a coupled Darcy–convection–diffusion model
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Numerical Discretization of a Darcy-Forchheimer Problem Coupled with a Singular Heat Equation
Alejandro Allendes, Gilberto Campaña and Enrique Otárola SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 45(5) A2755 (2023)
A fully-discrete virtual element method for the nonstationary Boussinesq equations in stream-function form
Existence and uniqueness for a convective phase change model with temperature–dependent viscosity
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Versatile mixed methods for non-isothermal incompressible flows
Finite element methods for the Darcy-Forchheimer problem coupled with the convection-diffusion-reaction problem
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A mathematical model for thermography on viscous fluid based on damped thermal flux
A Banach spaces-based analysis of a new fully-mixed finite element method for the Boussinesq problem
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Stabilized finite element approximations for a generalized Boussinesq problem: A posteriori error analysis
Alejandro Allendes, César Naranjo and Enrique Otárola Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 361 112703 (2020)
New numerical studies for Darcy’s problem coupled with the heat equation
A divergence-free low-order stabilized finite element method for a generalized steady state Boussinesq problem
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Rigorous derivation of the effective model describing a non-isothermal fluid flow in a vertical pipe filled with porous medium
Analysis of an augmented mixed‐primal formulation for the stationary Boussinesq problem
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Boussinesq system with non-homogeneous boundary conditions
The steady Navier–Stokes/energy system with temperature‐dependent viscosity—Part 1: Analysis of the continuous problem
Carlos E. Pérez, Jean‐Marie Thomas, Serge Blancher and René Creff International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 56(1) 63 (2008)
Existence de solutions pour une classe de systèmes non linéaires de Boussinesq
The steady Navier–Stokes/energy system with temperature‐dependent viscosity—Part 2: The discrete problem and numerical experiments
Carlos E. Pérez, Jean‐Marie Thomas, Serge Blancher and René Creff International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 56(1) 91 (2008)
On the existence and uniqueness of the stationary solution to equations of natural convection with boundary data in
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A historical survey of some mathematical aspects of Newtonian fluid