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Cited article:
Franck Boyer , Sebastian Minjeaud
ESAIM: M2AN, 45 4 (2011) 697-738
Published online: 2010-12-10
This article has been cited by the following article(s):
109 articles | Pages:
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Efficient energy-stable schemes for the hydrodynamics coupled phase-field model
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A finite volume / discontinuous Galerkin method for the advective Cahn–Hilliard equation with degenerate mobility on porous domains stemming from micro-CT imaging
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WITHDRAWN: A linear, second-order, energy stable, fully adaptive finite-element method for phase-field modelling of wetting phenomena
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Decoupled Energy Stable Schemes for a Phase Field Model of Three-Phase Incompressible Viscous Fluid Flow
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The Cahn–Hilliard equation and some of its variants
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Numerical approximation of a non-smooth phase-field model for multicomponent incompressible flow
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Multiphase Allen–Cahn and Cahn–Hilliard models and their discretizations with the effect of pairwise surface tensions
Shuonan Wu and Jinchao Xu Journal of Computational Physics 343 10 (2017)
Linear and unconditionally energy stable schemes for the binary fluid–surfactant phase field model
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On some practical issues concerning the implementation of Cahn–Hilliard–Navier–Stokes type models
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A DDFV method for a Cahn−Hilliard/Stokes phase field model with dynamic boundary conditions
Franck Boyer and Flore Nabet ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 51 (5) 1691 (2017)
Wall-bounded multiphase flows of N immiscible incompressible fluids: Consistency and contact-angle boundary condition
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A Componentwise Convex Splitting Scheme for Diffuse Interface Models with Van der Waals and Peng--Robinson Equations of State
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Efficient and accurate numerical schemes for a hydro-dynamically coupled phase field diblock copolymer model
Qing Cheng, Xiaofeng Yang and Jie Shen Journal of Computational Physics 341 44 (2017)
Numerical Approximations for Allen-Cahn Type Phase Field Model of Two-Phase Incompressible Fluids with Moving Contact Lines
Lina Ma, Rui Chen, Xiaofeng Yang and Hui Zhang Communications in Computational Physics 21 (3) 867 (2017)
Numerical approximations for a three-component Cahn–Hilliard phase-field model based on the invariant energy quadratization method
Xiaofeng Yang, Jia Zhao, Qi Wang and Jie Shen Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 27 (11) 1993 (2017)
Remarks on continuum theory of mixtures: editorial to special issue on mixture theory
K. V. Mohankumar, Vít Průša, K. Kannan and A. S. Wineman International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics 9 (2) 120 (2017)
A decoupled energy stable scheme for a hydrodynamic phase-field model of mixtures of nematic liquid crystals and viscous fluids
Jia Zhao, Xiaofeng Yang, Jie Shen and Qi Wang Journal of Computational Physics 305 539 (2016)
Numerical approximations to a new phase field model for two phase flows of complex fluids
Jia Zhao, Qi Wang and Xiaofeng Yang Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 310 77 (2016)
Unconditionally energy stable time stepping scheme for Cahn–Morral equation: Application to multi-component spinodal decomposition and optimal space tiling
Rouhollah Tavakoli Journal of Computational Physics 304 441 (2016)
Convergence of a finite-volume scheme for the Cahn–Hilliard equation with dynamic boundary conditions
Flore Nabet IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 36 (4) 1898 (2016)
Improving the accuracy of convexity splitting methods for gradient flow equations
Karl Glasner and Saulo Orizaga Journal of Computational Physics 315 52 (2016)
Diffuse interface simulation of ternary fluids in contact with solid
Chun-Yu Zhang, Hang Ding, Peng Gao and Yan-Ling Wu Journal of Computational Physics 309 37 (2016)
A practical numerical scheme for the ternary Cahn–Hilliard system with a logarithmic free energy
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A Decoupled Unconditionally Stable Numerical Scheme for the Cahn–Hilliard–Hele-Shaw System
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Unconditionally stable, second-order accurate schemes for solid state phase transformations driven by mechano-chemical spinodal decomposition
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Numerical Methods for Solving the Cahn–Hilliard Equation and Its Applicability to Related Energy-Based Models
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Decoupled, Energy Stable Schemes for Phase-Field Models of Two-Phase Incompressible Flows
Jie Shen and Xiaofeng Yang SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 53 (1) 279 (2015)
Decoupled energy stable schemes for phase-field vesicle membrane model
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An efficient numerical method for simulating multiphase flows using a diffuse interface model
Hyun Geun Lee and Junseok Kim Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 423 33 (2015)
Physical formulation and numerical algorithm for simulating N immiscible incompressible fluids involving general order parameters
S. Dong Journal of Computational Physics 283 98 (2015)
Hierarchy of consistent n-component Cahn–Hilliard systems
Franck Boyer and Sebastian Minjeaud Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 24 (14) 2885 (2014)
An efficient algorithm for incompressible N-phase flows
S. Dong Journal of Computational Physics 276 691 (2014)
Stabilized second-order convex splitting schemes for Cahn-Hilliard models with application to diffuse-interface tumor-growth models
X. Wu, G. J. van Zwieten and K. G. van der Zee International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 30 (2) 180 (2014)
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