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Cited article:
Alexandre Ern , Jean-Luc Guermond
ESAIM: M2AN, 51 4 (2017) 1367-1385
Published online: 2017-07-21
This article has been cited by the following article(s):
117 articles | Pages:
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A Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Quad-Curl Problem
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The effect of quadrature rules on finite element solutions of Maxwell variational problems
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Hybrid high-order method for singularly perturbed fourth-order problems on curved domains
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Equivalence of local-best and global-best approximations in H(curl)
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An adaptive stabilized conforming finite element method via residual minimization on dual discontinuous Galerkin norms
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Hybrid high-order discretizations combined with Nitsche’s method for Dirichlet and Signorini boundary conditions
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Dirichlet boundary value correction using Lagrange multipliers
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Space-time approximation of parabolic systems with variable growth
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Domain Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Electromagnetics
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A superconvergent hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for Dirichlet boundary control of elliptic PDEs
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Reconstruction of Quasi-Local Numerical Effective Models from Low-Resolution Measurements
A. Caiazzo, R. Maier and D. Peterseim Journal of Scientific Computing 85 (1) (2020)
A quasi-optimal variant of the hybrid high-order method for elliptic partial differential equations with H−1 loads
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Discontinuous Galerkin Approach to Large Bending Deformation of a Bilayer Plate with Isometry Constraint
Andrea Bonito, Ricardo H. Nochetto and Dimitris Ntogkas Journal of Computational Physics 109785 (2020)
A Hybrid High-Order Discretization Combined with Nitsche's Method for Contact and Tresca Friction in Small Strain Elasticity
Franz Chouly, Alexandre Ern and Nicolas Pignet SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (4) A2300 (2020)
A note on devising HDG+ projections on polyhedral elements
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The nonconforming Virtual Element Method for eigenvalue problems
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The Discrete-Dual Minimal-Residual Method (DDMRes) for Weak Advection-Reaction Problems in Banach Spaces
Ignacio Muga, Matthew J. W. Tyler and Kristoffer G. van der Zee Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 19 (3) 557 (2019)
Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for the Maxwell equations with high contrast
Barbara Verfürth ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 53 (1) 35 (2019)
A Hybrid High-Order Method for Highly Oscillatory Elliptic Problems
Matteo Cicuttin, Alexandre Ern and Simon Lemaire Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 19 (4) 723 (2019)
Efficient implementation of the localized orthogonal decomposition method
Christian Engwer, Patrick Henning, Axel Målqvist and Daniel Peterseim Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 350 123 (2019)
L2-error analysis of an isoparametric unfitted finite element method for elliptic interface problems
Christoph Lehrenfeld and Arnold Reusken Journal of Numerical Mathematics 27 (2) 85 (2019)
Explicit computational wave propagation in micro-heterogeneous media
Roland Maier and Daniel Peterseim BIT Numerical Mathematics 59 (2) 443 (2019)
Two variants of magnetic diffusivity stabilized finite element methods for the magnetic induction equation
Benjamin Wacker Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 42 (13) 4554 (2019)
Primal Dual Mixed Finite Element Methods for Indefinite Advection-Diffusion Equations
Erik Burman and Cuiyu He SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 57 (6) 2785 (2019)
Fully Discrete Scheme for Bean's Critical-state Model with Temperature Effects in Superconductivity
M. Winckler and I. Yousept SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 57 (6) 2685 (2019)
An HDG Method for Dirichlet Boundary Control of Convection Dominated Diffusion PDEs
Gang Chen, John R. Singler and Yangwen Zhang SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 57 (4) 1919 (2019)
Abstract Nonconforming Error Estimates and Application to Boundary Penalty Methods for Diffusion Equations and Time-Harmonic Maxwell’s Equations
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1 to 100 of 117 articles