Issue |
Volume 55, 2021
Regular articles published in advance of the transition of the journal to Subscribe to Open (S2O). Free supplement sponsored by the Fonds National pour la Science Ouverte
Page(s) | S251 - S278 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 26 February 2021 |
A four-field three-phase flow model with both miscible and immiscible components
EDF R&D, 6 Quai Watier, Chatou 78400, France
IRMA UMR CNRS 7501, 7 Rue Descartes, Strasbourg 67000, France
I2M, UMR CNRS 7373, 39 Rue Joliot Curie, Marseille Cedex 13453, France
* Corresponding author:
A three-phase flow model with hybrid miscibility constraints is proposed: three immiscible phases are considered (liquid water, liquid metal and gas) but the gaseous phase is composed with two miscible components (steam water and non-condensable gas). The modelling approach is based on the building of an entropy inequality for the system of partial differential equations: once an interfacial velocity is given by the user, the model is uniquely defined, up to some relaxation time scales, and source terms complying with the second principle of thermodynamics can then be provided. The convective part of the system is hyperbolic when fulfilling a non-resonance condition and classical properties are studied (Riemann invariants, symmetrization). A key property is that the system possesses uniquely defined jump conditions. Last, preservation of thermodynamically admissible states and pressure relaxation are investigated.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 76T30 / 35Q35 / 35L60
Key words: Three-phase flow / entropy / jump conditions / miscible components
© EDP Sciences, SMAI 2021
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