Free Access
Volume 4, Number R3, 1970
Page(s) 135 - 140
Published online 01 February 2017
  1. LEE-MARKUS, Foundations of optimal control theory, Wiley, 1967. [MR: 220537] [Zbl: 0159.13201] [Google Scholar]
  2. HERMES-LA SALLE, Functionnal analysis and time optimal control, Academic Press, 1969. [MR: 420366] [Zbl: 0203.47504] [Google Scholar]
  3. MILNOR, Topology from the differential view point, The University Press of Virginia,Charlottesville. [Google Scholar]
  4. HALKIN, « On a generalisation of a theorem of Liapunov », J. Math. Anal. and Appli., 10 (325-329) (1965). [MR: 173959] [Zbl: 0133.07801] [Google Scholar]
  5. HALKIN, « A generalisation of La Salle's Bang-Bang principle », J. Siam on Control, n° 2 (1965). [Zbl: 0163.33003] [Google Scholar]
  6. KALMAN, HO, NARENDA, « Controlability of linear dynamical Systems », Contribution to differential equations n° 1, pp. 189-213. [MR: 155070] [Zbl: 0151.13303] [Google Scholar]
  7. LA SALLE, The time optimal control problem. Theory of nonlinear oscillations, vol. 4, pp. 29-52, Princeton Univ. Press, 1959. [Google Scholar]
  8. LOBRY, « Controlabilité des systèmes no linnéaires », J. Siam on Control, n° 8, 4, 1970, pp. 573-605. [MR: 271979] [Zbl: 0207.15201] [Google Scholar]

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