Free Access
RAIRO. Anal. numér.
Volume 12, Number 3, 1978
Page(s) 211 - 236
Published online 01 February 2017
  1. 1 J P AUBIN, Approximation of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, Wiley, N Y , 1972 [MR: 478662] [Zbl: 0248.65063] [Google Scholar]
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  4. 4 M BERCOVIER, A Family of Fini te Eléments with Penahzation for the NumencalSolution ofStokes and Navier-Stokes Equations, m Proc I F I P Conf 1977,North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977 [MR: 483540] [Zbl: 0383.65065] [Google Scholar]
  5. 5 M BERCOVIER, On the Penalty and Extrapolation Method (to appear) [Zbl: 0486.73070] [Google Scholar]
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  7. 6 M BERCOVIER, and M ENGELMAN A Finite Element for the Numencal Solution ofViscous Incompressible flous (to appear m J Comp Phys ) [Zbl: 0395.76040] [Google Scholar]
  8. 7 M BERCOVIER and F LIVNF A 4 CSTQuadïilateial Element for Incompressible andNecul Incompressible Mateuals (to appear in CALCOLO) [Zbl: 0418.73009] [Google Scholar]
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  16. 15 M FORTIN, Thèse de Doctorat d'État, Pans, 1972 [Google Scholar]
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