Free Access
Volume 36, Number 5, September/October 2002
Special issue on Programming
Page(s) 809 - 836
Published online 15 October 2002
  1. D. Bernardi, F. Hecht, K. Ohtsuka and O. Pironneau, freefem+ documentation. [Google Scholar]
  2. P.G. Ciarlet, Basic error estimates for elliptic problems, in Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Vol. II, P.G. Ciarlet and J.-L. Lions Eds., North-Holland (1991) 17-351. [Google Scholar]
  3. C. Donnelly and R. Stallman, Bison documentation. [Google Scholar]
  4. P. Frey and P.L. George, Automatic triangulation. Wiley (1996). [Google Scholar]
  5. F. Hecht, The mesh adapting software: bamg. INRIA (1998). [Google Scholar]
  6. F. Hecht and O. Pironneau, freefem++ Manual. [Google Scholar]
  7. P. Joly and M. Vidrascu, Quelques méthodes classique de résolution de systèmes linèaires. Collection didactique, INRIA (1994). [Google Scholar]
  8. J.L. Lions and O. Pironneau, Domain decomposition methods for CAD. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 328 (1999) 73-80. [Google Scholar]
  9. B. Lucquin and O. Pironneau, Scientific Computing for Engineers. Wiley (1998). [Google Scholar]
  10. O. Pironneau, Méthodes des éléments finis pour les fluides. Masson (1988). [Google Scholar]
  11. N. Wirth, Algorthims + Data Structures = Programs. Prentice Hall (1976). [Google Scholar]

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