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Two‐grid mixed finite element method for two‐dimensional time‐dependent Schrödinger equation
Zhikun Tian, Yanping Chen, Yunqing Huang and Jianyun Wang Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 46(12) 12759 (2023)
A new family of expanded mixed finite element methods for reaction–diffusion equations
Two-grid method for compressible miscible displacement problem by mixed finite element methods and expanded mixed finite element method of characteristics
A characteristic expanded mixed finite element numerical method for incompressible miscible displacement problem involving dispersion term
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A multiscale domain decomposition approach for parabolic equations using expanded mixed method
Two‐grid method for miscible displacement problem with dispersion by finite element method of characteristics
Yanping Chen and Hanzhang Hu ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 101(3) (2021)
A Two-Grid Combined Mixed Finite Element and Discontinuous Galerkin Method for an Incompressible Miscible Displacement Problem in Porous Media
Advances in Internetworking, Data & Web Technologies
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Two-grid methods for miscible displacement problem by Galerkin methods and mixed finite-element methods
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A Priori and A Posteriori Estimates of Conforming and Mixed FEM for a Kirchhoff Equation of Elliptic Type
Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient and Multigrid Methods for Numerical Solution of Multicomponent Mass Transfer Equations II. Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations
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Numerical comparison of robustness of some reduction methods in rough grids
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A two-grid expanded mixed element method for nonlinear non-Fickian flow model in porous media
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A priori and a posteriori error analyses of augmented twofold saddle point formulations for nonlinear elasticity problems
Two‐Grid method for nonlinear parabolic equations by expanded mixed finite element methods
Yanping Chen, Luoping Chen and Xiaochun Zhang Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 29(4) 1238 (2013)
H1‐Galerkin expanded mixed finite element methods for nonlinear pseudo‐parabolic integro‐differential equations
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A two-grid algorithm for expanded mixed finite element approximations of semi-linear elliptic equations
A mixed‐FEM formulation for nonlinear incompressible elasticity in the plane
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Error Analysis for Characteristics-Based Methods for Degenerate Parabolic Problems
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Suboptimal and Optimal Convergence in Mixed Finite Element Methods