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Theoretical and numerical research of wire array Z-pinch and dynamic hohlraum at IAPCM
Ning Ding, Yang Zhang, Delong Xiao, Jiming Wu, Zihuan Dai, Li Yin, Zhiming Gao, Shunkai Sun, Chuang Xue, Cheng Ning, Xiaojian Shu and Jianguo Wang Matter and Radiation at Extremes 1(3) 135 (2016)
A vertex‐centered linearity‐preserving discretization of diffusion problems on polygonal meshes
Jiming Wu, Zhiming Gao and Zihuan Dai International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 81(3) 131 (2016)
A Lions Domain Decomposition Algorithm for Radiation Diffusion
Equations on Non-matching Grids