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A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity in non-intrusive couplings between concurrent models
Marie Tirvaudey, Ludovic Chamoin, Robin Bouclier and Jean-Charles Passieux Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 367 113104 (2020)
Certified real‐time shape optimization using isogeometric analysis, PGD model reduction, and a posteriori error estimation
L. Chamoin and H.P. Thai International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 119(3) 151 (2019)
Space/time global/local noninvasive coupling strategy: Application to viscoplastic structures
Non-invasive global–local coupling as a Schwarz domain decomposition method: acceleration and generalization
Pierre Gosselet, Maxime Blanchard, Olivier Allix and Guillaume Guguin Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 5(1) (2018)