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Nonlinear Inverse Optimal Transport: Identifiability of the Transport Cost from Its Marginals and Optimal Values
Alberto González-Sanz, Michel Groppe and Axel Munk SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 56(6) 7808 (2024)
Simple Unbalanced Optimal Transport
Boris Khesin, Klas Modin and Luke Volk International Mathematics Research Notices 2024(10) 8839 (2024)
Xinan Chen, Wei Huang, Amita Shukla-Dave, Ramesh Paudyal, Roberto Lo Gullo, Marcelina Perez, Katja Pinker and Joseph O. Deasy (2024)
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Graspot: a graph attention network for spatial transcriptomics data integration with optimal transport
Toward a mathematical theory of trajectory inference
Hugo Lavenant, Stephen Zhang, Young-Heon Kim and Geoffrey Schiebinger The Annals of Applied Probability 34(1A) (2024)
Unbalanced regularized optimal mass transport with applications to fluid flows in the brain
Optimal transport features for morphometric population analysis
Samuel Gerber, Marc Niethammer, Ebrahim Ebrahim, Joseph Piven, Stephen R. Dager, Martin Styner, Stephen Aylward and Andinet Enquobahrie Medical Image Analysis 84 102696 (2023)
Quantitative assessment of hippocampal network dynamics by combining Voltage Sensitive Dye Imaging and Optimal Transportation Theory
Michelangelo Colavita, Afaf Bouharguane, Andrea Valenti, Geoffrey Terral, Mark W. Sherwood, Clement E. Lemercier, Fabien Gibergues, Marion Doubeck, Filippo Drago, Giovanni Marsicano, Angelo Iollo and Federico Massa MathematicS In Action 12(1) 117 (2023)
Thibault Séjourné, Gabriel Peyré and François-Xavier Vialard 24 407 (2023)
Emerging Applications of Control and Systems Theory
Yongxin Chen, Tryphon T. Georgiou and Allen Tannenbaum Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences - Proceedings, Emerging Applications of Control and Systems Theory 139 (2018)
Unbalanced optimal transport: Dynamic and Kantorovich formulations
Lénaïc Chizat, Gabriel Peyré, Bernhard Schmitzer and François-Xavier Vialard Journal of Functional Analysis 274(11) 3090 (2018)
An Interpolating Distance Between Optimal Transport and Fisher–Rao Metrics
An approximation scheme for the Kantorovich-Rubinstein problem on compact spaces
M. Lorena Avendaño-Garrido, J. Rigoberto Gabriel-Argüelles, Ligia-Torres Quintana and Juan González-Hernández González Journal of Numerical Mathematics (2017)
A metaheuristic for a numerical approximation to the mass transfer problem
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Numerical enclosures of the optimal cost of the Kantorovitch’s mass transportation problem
Eulerian models and algorithms for unbalanced optimal transport
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Optimal Transport with Proximal Splitting
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Coping with model error in variational data assimilation using optimal mass transport
Lipeng Ning, Francesca P. Carli, Ardeshir Mohammad Ebtehaj, Efi Foufoula‐Georgiou and Tryphon T. Georgiou Water Resources Research 50(7) 5817 (2014)
Recent Developments in Numerical Methods for Fully Nonlinear Second Order Partial Differential Equations