Free Access
Volume 3, Number R2, 1969
Page(s) 3 - 13
Published online 01 February 2017
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  3. GERMAIN-BONNE, Méthodes de calcul de pseudo-inverses, Thèse, Faculté des Sciences de Lille. [Zbl: 0193.11803] [Google Scholar]
  4. GREVILLE, The pseudo-inverse of rectangular or regular matrix and its applications to the solution of systems of systems of linear equations, Siam Rev., 1959, vol. 1, pp. 38-43. [MR: 101615] [Zbl: 0123.11202] [Google Scholar]
  5. A. KORGANOFF et M. PAVEL-PARVU, Méthodes de calcul numérique : tome 2, Éléments de théorie des matrices carrées et rectangles en analyse numérique, Dunod 1967. [MR: 207184] [Zbl: 0155.46903] [Google Scholar]
  6. PENROSE, A generalized inverse for matrices, Proc. Cam. Phil. Soc., 1955, vol. 51, pp. 406-413. [MR: 69793] [Zbl: 0065.24603] [Google Scholar]
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