Free Access
RAIRO. Anal. numér.
Volume 12, Number 2, 1978
Page(s) 113 - 119
Published online 01 February 2017
  1. 1. F. CHATELIN, Théorie de l'approximation des opérateurs linéaires, application au calcul des valeurs propres d'opérateurs différentiels et intégraux. Notes de cours Université de Grenoble, 1977. [Google Scholar]
  2. 2. J. DESCLOUX, N. NASSIF and J. RAPPAZ, Spectral Approximations with Error Bounds for Non-Compact Operators, Rapport du département de mathématiques E.P.F.L., 1977. [Zbl: 0361.65052] [Google Scholar]
  3. 3. J. DESCLOUX, N. NASSIF and J. RAPPAZ, On Spectral Approximation, Part 1: The Problem of convergence, this journal. [Zbl: 0393.65024] [Google Scholar]
  4. 4. R. D. GRIGORIEFF, Diskrete Approximation von Eigenwertproblem, NumerischeMathematik; part I: Vol. 24, 1975, pp. 355-374; part II: Vol. 24, 1975 pp. 415-433; part III : Vol. 25, 1975, pp. 79-97. [EuDML: 132353] [MR: 423099] [Zbl: 0391.65020] [Google Scholar]
  5. 5. J. E. OSBORN, Spectral Approximation for Compact Operators, Math. Comp.,Vol. 29, 1975, pp. 712-725. [MR: 383117] [Zbl: 0315.35068] [Google Scholar]
  6. 6. J. RAPPAZ, Approximation of the Spectrum of a Non-Compact Operator Given by the Magnetohydrodynamic Stability of a plasma, Numer. Math., Vol. 28, 1977, pp. 15-24. [EuDML: 132472] [MR: 474800] [Zbl: 0341.65044] [Google Scholar]
  7. 7. J. H. WILKINSON, The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem, Oxford University Press, 1965. [MR: 184422] [Zbl: 0258.65037] [Google Scholar]

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