Free Access
Volume 26, Number 1, 1992
Topics in computer aided geometric design
Page(s) 1 - 22
Published online 31 January 2017
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  4. J. HOSCHEK, F.-J. SCHNEIDER, P. WASSUM, Optimal approximate conversion of spline surfaces. Comput. Aided Geom. Design 6 (1989), 293-306. [MR: 1030616] [Zbl: 0682.65005] [Google Scholar]
  5. J. HOSCHEK, D. LASSER, Grundlagen der geometrischen Datenverarbeitung. Teubner, 1989. [MR: 1055828] [Zbl: 0682.68002] [Google Scholar]
  6. J. HOSCHEK, Circular Splines. Submitted to Computer-aided design, 1990. [Zbl: 0763.65005] [Google Scholar]
  7. K. K. KUBOTA, Pythagorean triples in unique factorization domains. Amer. Math. Monthly 79 (1972), 503-505. [MR: 297690] [Zbl: 0242.10008] [Google Scholar]
  8. L. PIEGL, On the use of infinite control points in CAGD. Comput. Aided Geom. Design 4 (1987), 155-166. [MR: 898031] [Zbl: 0622.65142] [Google Scholar]
  9. G. SEEMANN, Interpolation und Approximation mit sphärischen Kreissplines in Bézier-Darstellung. Dipl.-Arbeit Fachbereich Mathematik, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt 1990. [Google Scholar]

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