Free Access
Volume 34, Number 2, March/April 2000
Special issue for R. Teman's 60th birthday
Page(s) 459 - 475
Published online 15 April 2002
  1. F. Abergel and R. Temam, On some control problems in fluid mechanics. Theor. and Comp. Fluid Dynamics 1 (1990) 303-325. [Google Scholar]
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  3. T. Bewley, P. Moin and R. Temam, Optimal and robust approaches for linear and nonlinear regulartion problems in fluid mechanics, AIAA 97-1872, 28th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and 4th AIAA Shear Flow Control Conference (1997). [Google Scholar]
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  5. P. Cannarsa and G. da Prato, Direct solution of a second order Hamilton-Jacobi equation in Hilbert spaces, in: Stochastic partial differential equations and applications, G. da Prato and L. Tubaro Eds, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series n.268 (1992) pp. 72-85. [Google Scholar]
  6. S. Cerrai, Optimal control problem for stochastic reaction-diffusion systems with non Lipschitz coefficients (to appear). [Google Scholar]
  7. H. Choi, R. Temam, P. Moin and J. Kim, Feedback control for unsteady flow and its application to the stochastic Burgers equation. J. Fluid Mech. 253 (1993) 509-543. [CrossRef] [MathSciNet] [Google Scholar]
  8. G. da Prato and A. Debussche, Differentiability of the transition semigroup of stochastic Burgers equation. Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei, s.9, v. 9 (1998) 267-277. [Google Scholar]
  9. G. da Prato and A. Debussche, Dynamic Programming for the stochastic Burgers equations. Annali di Mat. Pura ed Appl. (to appear). [Google Scholar]
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  15. Part II: Optimal control of Zakai's equation, in Stochastic partial differential equations and applications, G. da Prato and L. Tubaro Eds, Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 1390, Springer-Verlag (1990) 147-170. Part III: Uniqueness of viscosity solutions for general second order equations. J. Funct. Anal. 86 (1991) 1-18. [Google Scholar]
  16. S. Sritharan, Dynamic programming of the Navier-Stokes equations. Syst. Cont. Lett. 16 (1991) 299-307. [Google Scholar]
  17. S. Sritharan, An introduction to deterministic and stochastic control of viscous flow, in Optimal control of viscous flows, p. 1-42, SIAM, Philadelphia, S. Sritharan Ed. [Google Scholar]
  18. A. Swiech, Viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear partial differential equations with "unbounded'' terms in infinite dimensions, Ph.D. thesis, University of California at Santa Barbara (1993). [Google Scholar]
  19. R. Temam, T. Bewley and P.Moin, Control of turbulent flows, Proc. of the 18th IFIP TC7, Conf. on system modelling ond optimization, Detroit, Michigan (1997). [Google Scholar]
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