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A Non‐Dissipative, Energy‐Conserving, Arbitrary High‐Order Numerical Method and Its Efficient Implementation for Incompressible Flow Simulation in Complex Geometries
Sreevatsa Anantharamu and Krishnan Mahesh International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (2024)
On the convergence of 2D P4+$$ {P}_{4+} $$ triangular and 3D P6+$$ {P}_{6+} $$ tetrahedral divergence‐free finite elements
Inf–sup stabilized Scott–Vogelius pairs on general shape-regular simplicial grids by Raviart–Thomas enrichment
Volker John, Xu Li, Christian Merdon and Hongxing Rui Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 34(05) 919 (2024)
BDM H(div) weak Galerkin finite element methods for Stokes equations
Computing \(\boldsymbol{H}^{\boldsymbol{2}}\)-Conforming Finite Element Approximations Without Having to Implement \(\boldsymbol{C}^{\boldsymbol{1}}\)-Elements
To ℘ or not to p – the mixed displacement–pressure p, versus the higher order ℘ displacement finite element formulation, for nearly incompressible linear elasticity
Design and analysis of an exactly divergence-free hybridised discontinuous Galerkin method for incompressible flows on meshes with quadrilateral cells
Joseph P. Dean, Sander Rhebergen and Garth N. Wells Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 417 116493 (2023)
A grad‐div stabilized method using the Jacobi iteration for the thermally coupled incompressible magnetohydrodynamic system
Shuaijun Liu and Pengzhan Huang ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 103(6) (2023)
A macro-bubble enriched P1–P0 finite element for the Stokes equations on triangular and tetrahedral meshes
A posteriori error analysis of Banach spaces-based fully-mixed finite element methods for Boussinesq-type models
Gabriel N. Gatica, Cristian Inzunza, Ricardo Ruiz-Baier and Felipe Sandoval Journal of Numerical Mathematics 30(4) 325 (2022)
Energy norm analysis of exactly symmetric mixed finite elements for linear elasticity
Alexey Voronin, Yunhui He, Scott MacLachlan, Luke N. Olson and Raymond Tuminaro Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 29(3) (2022)
Critical functions and inf-sup stability of Crouzeix-Raviart elements
A nonconforming pressure-robust finite element method for the Stokes equations on anisotropic meshes
Thomas Apel, Volker Kempf, Alexander Linke and Christian Merdon IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 42(1) 392 (2022)
Unlocking the secrets of locking: Finite element analysis in planar linear elasticity
Computer-assisted proof for the stationary solution existence of the Navier–Stokes equation over 3D domains
Xuefeng Liu, Mitsuhiro T. Nakao and Shin’ichi Oishi Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 108 106223 (2022)
A Lowest-Degree Conservative Finite Element Scheme for Incompressible Stokes Problems on General Triangulations
Low-order divergence-free approximations for the Stokes problem on Worsey–Farin and Powell–Sabin splits
Maurice Fabien, Johnny Guzmán, Michael Neilan and Ahmed Zytoon Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 390 114444 (2022)
A new DG method for a pure–stress formulation of the Brinkman problem with strong symmetry
Explicit a posteriori and a priori error estimation for the finite element solution of Stokes equations
Xuefeng Liu, Mitsuhiro T. Nakao, Chun’guang You and Shin’ichi Oishi Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 38(2) 545 (2021)
A Reynolds-robust preconditioner for the Scott-Vogelius discretization of the stationary incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Patrick E. Farrell, Lawrence Mitchell, L. Ridgway Scott and Florian Wechsung The SMAI journal of computational mathematics 7 75 (2021)
The divergence-conforming immersed boundary method: Application to vesicle and capsule dynamics
Quasi-Optimal and Pressure Robust Discretizations of the Stokes Equations by Moment- and Divergence-Preserving Operators
Christian Kreuzer, Rüdiger Verfürth and Pietro Zanotti Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 21(2) 423 (2021)
Mass Conserving Mixed $hp$-FEM Approximations to Stokes Flow. Part I: Uniform Stability
A conforming discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the Stokes problem on polytopal meshes
Xiu Ye and Shangyou Zhang International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 93(6) 1913 (2021)
Irksome: Automating Runge–Kutta Time-stepping for Finite Element Methods
Patrick E. Farrell, Robert C. Kirby and Jorge Marchena-Menéndez ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 47(4) 1 (2021)
A stabilizer-free pressure-robust finite element method for the Stokes equations
An Exactly Mass Conserving and Pointwise Divergence Free Velocity Method: Application to Compositional Buoyancy Driven Flow Problems in Geodynamics
Nathan Sime, Jakob M. Maljaars, Cian R. Wilson and Peter E. van Keken Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22(4) (2021)
A Pressure-Robust Discretization of Oseen's Equation Using Stabilization in the Vorticity Equation
Naveed Ahmed, Gabriel R. Barrenechea, Erik Burman, et al. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 59(5) 2746 (2021)
Locking-Free and Gradient-Robust $${\varvec{H}}({{\,\mathrm{{\text {div}}}\,}})$$-Conforming HDG Methods for Linear Elasticity
Staggered Taylor–Hood and Fortin elements for Stokes equations of pressure boundary conditions in Lipschitz domain
Zhijie Du, Huoyuan Duan and Wei Liu Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 36(1) 185 (2020)
Application of a minimal compatible element to incompressible and nearly incompressible continuum mechanics
Erik Burman, Snorre H. Christiansen and Peter Hansbo Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 369 113224 (2020)
A mixed discontinuous Galerkin method with symmetric stress for Brinkman problem based on the velocity–pseudostress formulation