Issue |
Volume 57, Number 2, March-April 2023
Page(s) | 491 - 543 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 March 2023 |
Homogenization of sound-soft and high-contrast acoustic metamaterials in subcritical regimes
Department of Mathematics, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
* Corresponding author:
We propose a quantitative effective medium theory for two types of acoustic metamaterials constituted of a large number N of small heterogeneities of characteristic size s, randomly and independently distributed in a bounded domain. We first consider a “sound-soft” material, in which the total wave field satisfies a Dirichlet boundary condition on the acoustic obstacles. In the “sub-critical” regime sN = O(1), we obtain that the effective medium is governed by a dissipative Lippmann–Schwinger equation which approximates the total field with a relative mean-square error of order O(max((sN)2N-1/3, N-1/2)). We retrieve the critical size s ~ 1/N of the literature at which the effects of the obstacles can be modelled by a “strange term” added to the Helmholtz equation. Second, we consider high-contrast acoustic metamaterials, in which each of the N heterogeneities are packets of K inclusions filled with a material of density much lower than the one of the background medium. As the contrast parameter vanishes, δ → 0, the effective medium admits K resonant characteristic sizes (si(δ))1≤i≤K and is governed by a Lippmann–Schwinger equation, which is diffusive or dispersive (with negative refractive index) for frequencies ω respectively slightly larger or slightly smaller than the corresponding K resonant frequencies (ωi (δ))1≤i≤K. These conclusions are obtained under the condition that (i) the resonance is of monopole type, and (ii) lies in the “subcritical regime” where the contrast parameter is small enough, i.e. δ = o(N−2)), while the considered frequency is “not too close” to the resonance, i.e. Nδ1/2 = O(|1 - s/si(δ)|). Our mathematical analysis and the current literature allow us to conjecture that “solidification” phenomena are expected to occur in the “super-critical” regime Nδ1/2|1 - s/si(δ)|-1 → + ∞.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 35B34 / 35P25 / 35J05 / 35C20 / 46T25
Key words: Non-periodic homogenization / effective medium theory / strange term / subwavelength resonance / high-contrast medium / holomorphic integral operators
© The authors. Published by EDP Sciences, SMAI 2023
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