Free Access
Volume 55, 2021
Regular articles published in advance of the transition of the journal to Subscribe to Open (S2O). Free supplement sponsored by the Fonds National pour la Science Ouverte
Page(s) S761 - S784
Published online 26 February 2021
  1. A. Abdulle and P. Henning, Localized orthogonal decomposition method for the wave equation with a continuum of scales. Math. Comput. 86 (2017) 549–587. [Google Scholar]
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  4. E. Burman, P. Hansbo and M.G. Larson, A simple finite element method for elliptic bulk problems with embedded surfaces. Comput. Geosci. 23 (2019) 189–199. [Google Scholar]
  5. E. Burman, P. Hansbo, M.G. Larson and D. Samvin, A cut finite element method for elliptic bulk problems with embedded surfaces. Int. J. Geomath. 10 (2019) 10. [Google Scholar]
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  7. C. D’Angelo and A. Scotti, A mixed finite element method for Darcy flow in fractured porous media with non-matching grids. ESAIM: M2AN 46 (2012) 465–489. [CrossRef] [EDP Sciences] [Google Scholar]
  8. D. Elfverson, E.H. Georgoulis, A. Målqvist and D. Peterseim, Convergence of a discontinuous Galerkin multiscale method. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 51 (2013) 3351–3372. [Google Scholar]
  9. C. Engwer, P. Henning, A. Målqvist and D. Peterseim, Efficient implementation of the localized orthogonal decomposition method. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 350 (2019) 123–153. [Google Scholar]
  10. F. Hellman and A. Målqvist, Contrast independent localization of multiscale problems. Multiscale Model. Simul. 15 (2017) 1325–1355. [Google Scholar]
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  13. R. Kornhuber, D. Peterseim and H. Yserentant, An analysis of a class of variational multiscale methods based on subspace decomposition. Math. Comput. 87 (2018) 2765–2774. [Google Scholar]
  14. R. Maier and D. Peterseim, Explicit computational wave propagation in micro-heterogeneous media. BIT Numer. Math. 59 (2019) 443–462. [Google Scholar]
  15. A. Målqvist and D. Peterseim, Localization of elliptic multiscale problems. Math. Comput. 83 (2014) 2583–2603. [Google Scholar]
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  17. L.H. Odsæter, T. Kvamsdal and M.G. Larson, A simple embedded discrete fracture-matrix model for a coupled flow and transport problem in porous media. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 343 (2019) 572–601. [Google Scholar]
  18. H. Owhadi, L. Zhang and L. Berlyand, Polyharmonic homogenization, rough polyharmonic splines and sparse super-localization. ESAIM: M2AN 48 (2014) 517–552. [EDP Sciences] [Google Scholar]
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