Free Access
Volume 55, 2021
Regular articles published in advance of the transition of the journal to Subscribe to Open (S2O). Free supplement sponsored by the Fonds National pour la Science Ouverte
Page(s) S653 - S675
Published online 26 February 2021
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  15. K.A. Henderson, C.T. Bauch and M. Anand, Alternative stable states and the sustainability of forests, grasslands, and agriculture. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 113 (2016) 14552–14559. [Google Scholar]
  16. M. Hirota, M. Holmgren, E.H.V. Nes and M. Scheffer, Global resilience of tropical forest and savanna to critical transitions. Science 334 (2011) 232–235. [Google Scholar]
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  32. E. Siero, A. Doelman, M.B. Eppinga, J.D.M. Rademacher, M. Rietkerk and K. Siteur, Striped pattern selection by advective reaction-diffusion systems: resilience of banded vegetation on slopes. Chaos: Interdiscip. J. Nonlinear Sci. 25 (2015) 036411. [Google Scholar]
  33. K. Siteur, M.B. Eppinga, A. Doelman, E. Siero and M. Rietkerk, Ecosystems off track: rate-induced critical transitions in ecological models. Oikos 125 (2016) 1689–1699. [Google Scholar]
  34. K. Spiliotis, L. Russo, F. Giannino, S. Cuomo, C. Siettos and G. Toraldo, Nonlinear Galerkin methods for a system of PDEs with Turing instabilities. Calcolo 55 (2018) 9. [Google Scholar]
  35. A.C. Staver, S. Archibald and S.A. Levin, The global extent and determinants of savanna and forest as alternative biome states. Science 334 (2011) 230–232. [Google Scholar]
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  37. H. Yu, M. Zhao and R.P. Agarwal, Stability and dynamics analysis of time delayed eutrophication ecological model based upon the Zeya reservoir. Math. Comput. Simul. 97 (2014) 53–67. [Google Scholar]

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